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All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

Silver Tarnishes Gold’s New All-Time Highs

March 25, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Pop the champagne!

Gold reached new all-time highs. 

Now, whether we consider the shiny yellow rock a viable investment is another story.

You know I’m bullish…  

Yet I can’t overlook silver's lack of participation.

All Star Charts Premium

Soybeans Look Ripe For a Rally

March 22, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Commodities are in the early innings of a secular bull run.

The list of raw materials hitting all-time highs since 2020 includes Gold, Copper, Wheat, Soybean Oil, Cattle,  Orange Juice, Cocoa, Heating Oil, Gasoline, Palm Oil, Lumber, Tin, Rebar, Iron Ore, and Coal. (If that roll call doesn’t scream commodity supercycle, I don’t know what does.) 

It’s an exhaustive list that will only grow in the coming years. Remember, these cycles can last decades. We’re only in year four!

Of course, there are also some laggards amongst the ranks. (ahem, Crude). But don’t lose sight of the bigger picture! 

Even Soybeans are queuing up for new all-time highs…

Check out soybean futures zoomed out to the 1950s:

All Star Charts Premium

Ice Cold Bonds Stoke the Stock Market Rally

March 21, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

The Fed abides.

Three rate cuts remain the base case for 2024. Everyone had this scenario penciled in, including the bond market.

The US benchmark yield is holding at the same levels as last month. T-bonds are catching a modest bid. And bonds are…well, boring. 

Perhaps it’s not an ideal scenario for bond bears, but stock market bulls are welcoming the muted response…

The Bond Market Volatility Index $MOVE—the credit market’s equivalent to the VIX—is registering its lowest reading since spring 2022.

The last time the MOVE hit these levels, the Fed had yet to embark on its current hiking cycle. (We all know what followed—an epic downturn for bonds and stocks.)

All Star Charts Premium

Forex: From Failed Breakouts To Fresh Breakdowns

March 19, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Currency markets refuse to choose a direction.

Up, down, or sideways: None appeal to the major US dollar pairs.

Meanwhile, the US Dollar Index $DXY is catching toward the upper bounds of its yearlong range.

If the dollar continues to rise, these swing trades will break for our targets…

I was monitoring the British pound for a breakdown below the December 2023 lows at approximately 1.25:

Instead of resolving lower, the GBP/USD took the opposite route, breaking above the December 2023 highs.

But those new highs were short-lived as the pound slipped back into its prior range. (Talk about indecisive!)

All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

Pay Attention to Silver

March 18, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Investors are finally waking up to gold.

Friends and family are blowing up my phone (and this time, it’s not just about baby pics). They’ve noticed gold’s rally to new highs – and they want to know whether to buy physical gold or an ETF — bars or coins. 

But silver has yet to enter the conversation…

All Star Charts Premium

Copper and Gold and Palladium, Oh My!

March 15, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Metals are working.

Gold is printing new all-time highs. Copper is trading above four bucks. And Palladium

Well, Palladium has stopped going down.

Considering Palladium’s Commitment of Traders (COT) profile, its tendency to trend with technology stocks, and where it stopped falling…

It’s time to buy!

Check out the long-term Palladium chart stretching back to the late 70s:

All Star Charts Premium

Get Used to a Range-Bound Dollar

March 13, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Gold is outshining the dollar.

The greenback doesn’t know which way to go, as FX markets offer traders little in the way of breakouts.

Instead of reviewing the chopfest, playing devil’s advocate, and weighing the lack of evidence for a near-term directional bias, let’s turn to a trending market for insight into the dollar.

Spoiler alert: It’s shiny, yellow, and trading at new all-time highs.

Yes, I’m referring to Gold.

Gold and the US dollar hold a classic intermarket relationship — an overt negative correlation. 

As I reviewed the charts this weekend, another pattern emerged between the two. 

I decided to offset Gold ahead of the dollar by roughly two to four years. After adjusting the charts, I landed on setting Gold forward by 130 weeks (approximately two-and-a-half years).

And voila:

All Star Charts Premium

Catch Copper on the Breakout

March 8, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Gold is up for the sixth day in a row – and it looks like this week’s breakout might be the real deal.

If it is — and gold continues to rip — it’s only a matter of time before copper breaks out too.

Check out the overlay chart of gold and copper futures:

Where gold goes, copper follows. Or perhaps they simply enjoy similar paths.

The rhyme or reason makes no difference. During a commodity bull run, precious and industrial metals will enter a broad markup phase. Gold will not take off on a rip-roaring rally without copper by its side.

All Star Charts Premium

Investors Load Up on Emerging Market HY Bonds

March 8, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

A risk-on revival has captivated the markets.

Investors are rising to their feet…

They’re buying stocks. They’re buying crypto. They’re buying gold.

Hell, they’re even buying high-yield Emerging Market bonds!

Check out the Emerging Market High Yield Bond ETF $EMHY breaking to a new multi-year high:

I throw this EMHY breakout into the same camp as the Biotech ETF $XBI blast off — risk-on.

It’s downright impossible to hold a bearish outlook while investors dance with the riskiest bonds on offer.

All Star Charts Premium

Mixed FX Markets Support Higher Stock Prices

March 7, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Stocks only go up.

Bitcoin is screaming its way back to the former all-time highs. Crude is printing multi-month highs. Even gold is breaking out to new all-time highs after going nowhere for years.

We’re entering the Davey Day Trader part of the cycle — green hammer and all.

Everything is trending higher. Everything except the dollar, that is…

The US Dollar Index $DXY is trading smack dab in the middle of last year’s October-to-December decline:

DXY rebounded to start the year only to find resistance at a critical retracement level.

All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

Gold Futures Take Aim at All-Time Highs

March 4, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

You can’t keep the gold bugs down.

They’re a hearty bunch full of true grit, choosing to focus on the silver lining while persevering through countless downturns.

Gold, on the other hand, has been an easy target…