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All Star Charts Premium

Earth Hits New All-time Highs

March 1, 2025

The bull market rages on, despite any ugly rumors you might here that it's over.

They love pretending that the bull market is done, because scaring you is good for business.

Telling you the world has never been a better place is just not good for the noisemaking community. 

It's good for investors though! That's us...

Anyway, historic back-to-back years for the stock market now continues to expand broadly all over the world.

Here is the "Earth Index" closing the month once again at a new all-time high.


Notice how the United States barely represents half of this Index.

In some of the other Global Indexes, the U.S. carries a much higher weighting, over 80% in some cases.

50% of the Index is about right in my opinion. 

You've got a lot of UK and Europe in this one, so it should be no surprise that the London FTSE 100 and the broader London FTSE 350 both closed the month at new all-time highs again yesterday.

Here is the broadest measure of European Equities, which include all the small-caps, mid-caps and large-caps, also hitting new all-time highs:


But keep in mind that the strength we're...

All Star Charts Gold Rush, All Star Charts Premium

(Commodities Weekly) Dry Bulk Shipping: Charting the Next Big Wave 📊🌊

February 28, 2025

A lot is happening right now.

The bears are destroying Orange Juice futures, while Coffee futures are at an all-time high. Soft commodities are super bifurcated at the moment.

The entire agricultural commodity complex is shaping up quite nicely. Corn and Soybean futures look poised to lead the way higher.

We're also seeing China's economy roar back to life. Steve's Breakout Multiplier system has been crushing it...

All Star Charts Premium

The Catalyst for a Global Equities Rally

February 28, 2025

Global equities are on a tear.

From China to Europe to Latin America, they're outperforming the U.S. so far this year.

However, while they look strong, many key indexes are approaching critical inflection points.

These three charts illustrate exactly where things stand and highlight the potential for what might come next.


If the global growth narrative is going to play out, we need to see these international indexes break higher.

Even more importantly, EEM needs to follow suit.

Under that scenario, I want to be buying a lot of these...

Options Paid to Play

[Options P2P] Daily Digest 2/28/25

February 28, 2025

In today’s Daily Digest, we’ll review the following:

  1. No new positions today.
  2. Adjustment to ARKK position.
  3. No exits since the last report.
  4. Current status of open campaigns.
  5. Volatility Snapshot.

Let’s dig in!

All Star Charts Premium

International Hall of Famers (02-28-2025)

February 28, 2025

Our International Hall of Famers list is composed of the 100 largest US-listed international stocks, or ADRs.

We've also sprinkled in some of the largest ADRs from countries that did not make the market cap cut. 

These stocks range from some well-known mega-cap multinationals such as Toyota Motor and Royal Dutch Shell to some large-cap global disruptors such as Sea Ltd and Shopify.

It's got all the big names and more–but only those that are based outside the US. You can find all the largest US stocks on our original Hall of Famers list.

The beauty of these scans is really in their simplicity.

We take the largest names each week and then apply technical filters in a way that the strongest stocks with the most momentum rise to the top.

Based on the market environment, we can also flip the scan on its head and filter for weakness.

Let's dive in and take a look at some of the most important stocks from around the world.

Here's this week's list:


All Star Charts Premium

Junior International Hall of Famers (02-27-2025)

February 27, 2025

From the Desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Welcome to The Junior International Hall of Famers.

With the goal of finding more bullish setups, we have decided to expand one of our favorite scans and broaden our regular coverage of the largest US-listed international stocks, or ADRs.

This scan is composed of the next 100 largest stocks by market cap, those that come after the top 100 and are thus covered by the International Hall of Famers universe.

Many of these names will someday graduate and join our original International Hall Of Famers list. The idea here is to catch these big trends as early on as possible.

Let’s dive right in and check out what these future big boys are up to.

This is our Junior International Hall of Famers list:


Click table to enlarge view

And here’s how we arrived at it…

We removed laggards which are down 5% or more relative to the ACWI Ex. U.S. Index $ACWX over the trailing...

Options Paid to Play

[Options P2P] Daily Digest 2/27/25

February 27, 2025

In today’s Daily Digest, we’ll review the following:

  1. No new positions today.
  2. Rolling XRT to April Options.
  3. No exits since the last report.
  4. Current status of open campaigns.
  5. Volatility Snapshot.

Let’s dig in!

2 to 100 Club, All Star Charts Premium

2 to 100 Club (02-26-2025)

February 26, 2025

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Welcome to The 2 to 100 Club.

In this scan, we look to identify the strongest growth stocks as they climb the market-cap ladder from small- to mid- to large- and, ultimately, to mega cap status (over $200B).

Once they graduate from small-cap to mid-cap status (over $2B), they come on our radar. Likewise, when they surpass the roughly $30B mark, they roll off our list.

But the scan doesn't just end there.

We only want to look at the strongest growth industries in the market, as that is typically where these potential 50-baggers come from.

Some of the best performers in recent decades – stocks like Priceline, Amazon, Netflix, Salesforce, and myriad others – would have been on this list at some point during their journey to becoming the market behemoths they are today.

When you look at the stocks in our table, you'll notice we're only focused on Technology and Growth industry groups such as Software, Semiconductors, Online...

Options Paid to Play

[Options P2P] Daily Digest 2/26/25

February 26, 2025

In today’s Daily Digest, we’ll review the following:

  1. New position in XLP.
  2. No adjustments are needed today.
  3. Exited XLB at Profit Target.
  4. Current status of open campaigns.
  5. Volatility Snapshot.

Let’s dig in!