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All Star Charts Premium

Interest Rates Run Out of Gas

March 1, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

US Treasuries are taking a back seat to risk assets.

Bond market volatility is declining. Credit spreads are tightening. And Emerging Market high-yield bonds ($EMHY) are breaking out. 

Meanwhile, stocks are posting new all-time highs.

So, how high will interest rates climb over the near term?

My gut tells me not far — at least not in the coming weeks or months…

Check out the US benchmark rate finding resistance at approximately 4.33:

Last month’s high marks a logical ceiling for the US benchmark rate. 

All Star Charts Premium

Gold Will Lead the Way

March 1, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

What happened to those everyday commodity contracts the average investor follows?

I’m talking about crude oil, gold, and copper.

These days, it’s all about cattle futures, orange juice, or cocoa hitting an all-time high. 

I’m sure everyone down at the NYMEX or the folks over at the CBOT in Chicago are having a ball. But what about the stock traders trying to get a piece of the action?

Sure, the energy trade is starting to work again. But gold has been a range-bound mess since the summer of 2020. And gold mining stocks have been an absolute dumpster fire.

It just doesn’t make sense amid a commodity bull run…

All Star Charts Premium

The Dollar-Yen Tests a Critical Level

February 28, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

What started out as a bearish reversal in the dollar-yen is beginning to look more like a bullish continuation pattern.

Buying the Japanese yen will produce absolute gangbuster returns – at some point. 

But the market’s simply not there yet…

For starters, Japanese stocks are hitting new all-time highs. These new highs support bullish USD/JPY positioning – long dollar, short yen.

Here’s an overlay chart of the Nikkei 225 Index and the dollar-yen pair, highlighting their positive correlation over longer time frames:

The USD/JPY tends to peak and trough in tandem with the Nikkei. 

All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

Precious Metals Stocks Hit New Lows

February 26, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

The market is punishing investors for owning gold mining stocks.

Sure, a handful of gold miners are holding above key levels.

Buenaventura S.A.A. $BVN, Orla Mining $ORLA, and Harmony Gold $HMY belong to this elite group of outperformers.

But that’s about it.

I’m not giving these trades too much room. And I’m not piling into new long positions. Not yet! 

Here’s why…

All Star Charts Premium

Lumber Futures Take Root

February 23, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Commodities are making moves.

Cotton is forming a bull flag following last week’s breakout. Coffee futures are coiling below a critical polarity zone. Cattle and hogs are running wild. Even Dr.Copper is perking up, posting positive returns over the trailing five days.

And don’t forget about cocoa futures as they continue to print fresh all-time highs. 

With all this action heating up, let’s turn our attention to one of 2021’s most explosive markets…


Remember all the lumber memes on Twitter?

Dudes were posting their W’s sitting atop stacks of 2x4s and plywood. I’ll never forget it. 

As a trader, I prefer to avoid lumber futures. It’s a thin market. But I can’t ignore the yearlong base forming on the daily chart:

All Star Charts Premium

A Consolidation You Can’t Afford To Miss

February 22, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Fed Chair Jerome Powell continues to rule the markets with an iron fist, mercilessly punishing any who doubt his supreme will. 

Or maybe I should stop daydreaming at my desk. 

Either way, this little fantasy is a helluva lot more entertaining than the monotonous uptrend in US Treasury yields

But I’ve found boredom – when not taken seriously – can lead to neglect.

That’s where process steps in to save the day. 

It’s hard for the market to catch us off guard if we’re constantly reviewing the charts.

And these next two bond charts demand our full attention…

First, the High Yield Bond ETF $HYG relative to the US Treasury Bond ETF $IEI: 

All Star Charts Premium

Breakout Alert: Three Yen Crosses Ready To Rip

February 21, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Commodity currencies are edging higher.

But given the preceding dollar rally, significant breakout levels lie well out of reach.

In the meantime, we can turn to the yen for actionable ideas.

One yen cross is already breaking out!

Check out the aussie-yen cross challenging multi-year resistance at approximately 98.50:

That’s a tradeable level marked by the 2022 high and the June and September peaks from last year.

Buyers are on the verge of cracking this key level as I write. If and when they do, I like it long with a target of 111.15 over longer time frames.

All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

Give Platinum a Chance

February 20, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Gold’s beginning to attract some attention.

Not because it was shooting higher but because it kept trading while most respectable markets closed in observance of Presidents Day.

US stocks, grains, and other god-fearing commodities did not trade. So investors needed something to talk about other than Bitcoin. 

But as gold stole the headlines, no one was talking about platinum.

I like that platinum isn’t attracting too many eyeballs right now.

Here’s why…

All Star Charts Premium

Buyers Rip into Cotton Futures

February 16, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Naming a newborn is tough.

Who is this tiny person? And who will they aspire to be?

These are impossible questions to answer.

As you can imagine, the wifey and I were stumped upon meeting our baby girl earlier this week. 

Every time I looked into her eyes, I could hear her plead, “Give me a name, boy!” A situation ten-year-old Ian never fathomed – even while watching The NeverEnding Story. 

After a few days of deliberation, hours of snuggles, and the casual piercing gaze, I could only discern one thing: she smelled good. 

So I offered up “Coco.” 

It was on our shortlist. Plus, will we ever forget this year’s epic rally in cocoa futures? I certainly won’t.

Well, we ultimately landed on Cora, which suits her in some indescribable way.

But if I hadn’t cut technology this week so I could focus on my girls, I might have thrown "Cotton" into the ring.

I mean – it’s the “fabric of our lives!”

All Star Charts Premium

The One Level to Track for an Accelerating Dollar

February 14, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

"Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop."

Bloomberg Businessweek plastered that message across its cover in October 2022 – a blaring yellow dollar sign front and center.

Those days are far behind us. The US dollar is trading well below its 2022 peak, and the mainstream media is expressing little concern about its rise.

Yet a series of fresh $DXY highs are causing many investors to fret.

I don’t blame them.

Check out the US Dollar Index completing a three-month bullish reversal:

The DXY has risen more than 4% so far this year and shows no signs of slowing. I can easily see it running back to 107. 

But it's also approaching a logical level to slam on the brakes. Or – heaven forbid – it could reverse course.

All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

Does Anyone Care About Gold Anymore?

February 12, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

I’m fed up with precious metals. 

I’m tired of all the failed breakouts and the sideways chop.

So, please, spare me the silver-surfer stories about undervalued silver or how it will outperform gold 16-to-1 during the next bull run. 

I’m tired of it – all of it!

But the diehard gold bugs continue to rally the troops – and maybe they’re on to something.

After all, gold is trading less than a hundred bucks from its all-time high. Is there still a chance for a clean breakout soon?

Let’s take a cold, hard look…