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How to Trade Energy’s Seasonal Tailwind 

February 9, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

It’s time to turn our attention to the energy space.

The same market conditions that favored energy in Q3 of last year are brewing. 

Interest rates are rising. King Dollar is refusing to step aside.

And energy contracts – especially crude oil – are entering a historically strong period of the year.

Check out crude oil’s seasonality since 1984: 

February kicks off the strongest four-month period of the year.

Meanwhile, energy contracts are forming potential bullish reversals.

Perhaps last month’s crude oil breakout has been sloppy. But buyers reclaimed our risk level yesterday – right around when crude tends to bottom. 

Here’s crude’s seasonality for the next two months...

Rates: Higher for Longer It Is! 

February 9, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Whenever a fellow parent asks what I do, I tell them I comment on interest rates.

I’m not involved in the semiconductor industry or the AI revolution. I don’t rob community banks (a personal favorite, despite mixed reactions). And I certainly do not analyze fixed-income, forex, and commodity markets (that’s a show-stopper).

The only thing people want to know these days – whether they’re navigating Wall St. or Main St. – is where rates are headed. 

But no one seems to be listening to the one person who has a direct impact on the direction of US Treasury yields…

All Star Charts Premium

How to Profit From a Rising Dollar

February 6, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

King Dollar reigns supreme, and its near-term rally shows no sign of slowing.

What can you do about it? 

You can profit from it.

Today, I’ll share with you three tactical setups for dollar strength. And they’re all close to triggering.

But, before I outline the trades, let’s look at the relationship between the dollar and stocks…

Last night, Alfonso dropped a stellar chart in Slack of the US Dollar Index $DXY overlaid with Consumer Staples $XLP relative to the S&P 500 $SPY:

The chart supports the inverse relationship between stocks and the US dollar that’s been in place for almost a decade.

Money flows out of the major stock indexes and into staples when investors are scared.

The same is true for the US dollar. That’s why these two charts look alike.

Interestingly, staples fell on a relative basis as the US Dollar Index chopped...

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All Star Charts Gold Rush

Silver Toes the Line

February 6, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

If silver doesn’t come to play, precious metals won’t win the day.

Gold’s resilience has been impressive lately, especially as its two main headwinds – the US dollar and real yields – catch higher. 

But while all eyes are following gold as it coils just below all-time highs, I’m tracking silver. Because gold’s doggedness is all for naught if silver breaks down.

All Star Charts Premium

Sick of Whipsaws? Hogs Can Help

February 2, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Holy reversals, Batman!

The tactical direction flipped for the dollar and rates this morning on the heels of stronger-than-expected job growth. 

Whipsaws are dotting the charts, erasing weeks of progress.

How should we react?

Today, I want to show you a trade we can take to sidestep the market chop.

Live cattle futures are posting modest gains today (up roughly 0.50%) as they mosey toward last year’s high. 

Most importantly, they’re shrugging off the broad intraday volatility.

Plus, the structural uptrend remains intact. And I can’t help but wonder if and when lean hogs will catch up to cattle

Check out live cattle overlaid with lean hog futures:

These two markets tend to peak and trough together, often trending in the same...

All Star Charts Premium

Buyers Lift the Offer for Bonds

February 1, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

The FOMC stuck to its script this week, kicking the can and keeping rates steady.

Everyone was expecting the news. But the market wasn’t expecting Fed Chairman Jerome Powell (the man, the myth, the legend) to completely dash its hopes of a March cut. 

Strangely enough, rates continue to fall on the news – even as markets adjust to the possibility of the initial rate cut now coming in May.

Before you run out to buy US treasury bonds, check out the overlay chart of the US 2- and 30-year yields:

There’s a big difference.

The 2-year yield is churning sideways, reflecting the market’s expectations of the FOMC’s next move – nothing in the foreseeable future.

On the other hand, the 30-year yield is turning lower. Unlike the short end of the curve, the long end gauges the prospect of long-term economic growth.

What do we do with this information?

Buy long-duration bonds! That’s a much better option than sitting around dreaming of an...

These Three Energy Stocks Are Ready To Rip

January 31, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

No Santa Claus rally, no worries.

So Santa was a no-show this season. The Nasdaq 100, the S&P 500, and Papa Dow are still managing to post positive monthly returns heading into January’s close.

That's an auspicious data point for the rest of the year.

Beneath the surface, last quarter’s laggards are also playing catch up to the leadership groups…

All Star Charts Premium

Follow the Aussie’s Next Move

January 30, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

The entire marketplace is fixated on tomorrow’s FOMC meeting.

Will the Fed make its first rate cut in March, or will it be in June?

Who knows.

I enjoy speculating as much as the next guy, but I’m not into guessing on next moves by central bankers.

I prefer to track another market participant with a Ph.D. in economics, Dr. Copper.

And we can’t discuss copper without including the Australian dollar!

Check out the Australian dollar overlaid with copper futures:

They look almost identical.

I added a 10-day rolling correlation study in the lower pane, highlighting the tight relationship over shorter time frames.

An increased bid for copper would support the current stock market rally, giving the global economy a clean bill of health. 

Dr. Copper will likely resolve in the same direction as the aussie heading into Friday’s close.

If it doesn't, the above chart suggests...

All Star Charts Premium

Crude Triggers a Buy Signal

January 26, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Stocks aren’t the only assets catching a bid.

Commodities are, too. 

Despite their current rallies, the average investor isn’t concerned with cocoa, cotton, and lean hog futures

I get it… What do lean hog futures have to do with Tesla $TSLA?

But Dr. Copper – with its Ph.D. in economics – is ripping higher this week. 

And crude oil is trading above our risk level outlined last month.

Check out crude oil futures slicing through the 75 level:

Kudos to those who took the signal, as it’s over a third of the way to our target of 83. 

Crude is up 0.75% today alone, heading into the close with an intra-day high of 78.21. I like seeing strength heading into Friday’s close, as it often spills into the following week.

I imagine crude will hit our target within the next few weeks.

All Star Charts Premium

Tracking the Bounce in Interest Rates

January 26, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

High-yield bonds are printing fresh highs relative to US Treasuries – signs of a healthy risk appetite. 

Bond market volatility is collapsing, allowing equities to take center stage. 

And interest rates are trending lower since peaking last October.

But looking ahead to next month, we could see rates correct higher.

The US 10-year yield tends to rise in February – more so than any other month of the year except April:

It would make sense for this seasonal trend to continue.

The 10-year yield dropped more than 100 basis points during Q4 last year. 

The Fed’s hiking cycle has desensitized many to the large swings in treasury yields. Nevertheless, that’s a significant move for the US benchmark.

A retracement in the coming weeks compliments a more prolonged decline over the coming months and quarters as...

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All Star Charts Gold Rush

Gold Miners Hit a New Relative Low

January 22, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

First, gold failed to hold its breakout to new all-time highs.

Then, the silver-to-gold ratio undercut a critical shelf of former lows.

Now, the Gold Miners ETF $GDX is printing a new all-time low versus the broader market!

Is there any sane reason to bet on the miners right now?

Let’s take a look…