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All Star Charts Premium

A Likely Landing Pad for Interest Rates

December 28, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

JC asked me how far I thought interest rates would pull back during a recent internal meeting.

The question caught me off guard since I trade bonds, not interest rates. I know my bond trade targets off the top of my head, but not the corresponding rate levels. 

As soon as the call ended, I applied Fibonacci analysis to the 30- and 10-year yields…

The 3.50 level marks a logical area for the 30-year yield to stop falling.

That level coincides with a shelf of former lows and a critical retracement level covering the rally off the 2020 low.

The similar level for the 10-year yield stands at 3.25:

All Star Charts Premium

Two Fresh Ways to Short the Dollar

December 27, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Y’all know the drill… 

Dollar down, stocks up.

That dominant inverse relationship remains firm as stocks rip and the dollar dips. 

The market’s message is clear: Buy stocks, sell dollars.

If you trade the FX markets, I have two new setups to ride the falling dollar…

First up, the US dollar-Swiss franc pair USD/CHF:

I’ve been tracking a generational topping formation in the USD/CHF (bottoming formation in the Swiss franc futures) for most of this year.

It wanted to break down in July but lacked follow-through.

Today, the USD/CHF is printing fresh 8-year lows, flashing another sell signal.

All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

Silver Miners Break Out

December 26, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

The buzz around gold’s new all-time high is growing – and for good reason.

New all-time highs will likely become a regular occurrence in the coming quarters. 

But while gold makes headlines, my attention is on silver mining stocks…

All Star Charts Premium

Conserve Your Energy Trade

December 22, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Metals are dominating the commodity space.

The rotation between energy and base & industrial metals colors the commodity markets as we near 2024.

Crude oil has slipped through buyers' hands since interest rates peaked in October. That much is obvious… 

But don’t short crude oil and its distillates just because copper and gold are catching a bid…

Check out the commodity subgroup performance since the US 10-year yield $TNX peaked in the fall:

Energy has clearly cooled, while precious and base metals have led the pack.

This makes sense as rates fall. But markets don’t move in a straight line.

All Star Charts Premium

Bonds Rock as Rates Roll

December 21, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Last month’s bond rally has legs.

Long-duration bonds have gone from printing multi-month highs to reclaiming their March pivot lows in just a few weeks.

So, let’s revisit our recent swing trades as they continue to run...

Thirty-year T-bond futures sliced through our initial target of 122:

Luckily, a completed bull flag provides a precise level to define our risk.

We can take another long position in T-bond futures, targeting 134, but only if it holds above 124’09.

Here's a look through the equities market…

The long-duration bond ETF $TLT is on the verge of reclaiming a critical shelf of former lows:

All Star Charts Premium

Buy the Yen

December 19, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

If it wasn't at the very top of the list, the Japanese yen was certainly among the best shorts of 2022.

But the times they are a-changin’.

King Dollar has ducked down a dark alley.

And it doesn't take a weatherman to tell us to buy the yen.

Here are Japanese yen futures carving out a year-long base following fresh 30-year lows:

I like buying strength on a breakout of this bottoming formation. But the yen has quite a way to travel before completing this possible double bottom. 

I don’t want to miss those potential gains, so let’s get tactical by taking a closer look… 

All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

What's All This Palladium Stuff?

December 18, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

I’ve had palladium on my mind for a while – long before gold posted a new all-time high.

Why palladium?

It all started with an extreme Commitment of Traders (COT) profile…

All Star Charts Premium

All That Glitters Isn’t Gold

December 15, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Metals are beginning to shine.

Gold’s new all-time high has captivated the masses. But all that glitters isn’t gold.

In fact, base and industrial metals are also providing ample trading opportunities.

Check out ol’ Dr. Copper challenging near-term resistance:

A decisive close above 3.91 set the path of least resistance toward the year-to-date highs at approximately 4.25.

It’s difficult to imagine a more bullish scenario for global equities aside from a continued expansion in the new highs list.

As much as I enjoy trading futures, I can’t ignore the money flowing into stocks.

All Star Charts Premium

Bonds Sweeten a Potential Santa Claus Rally

December 15, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

The bond market is turning the page. 

Our long US Treasury trades are finally working. And investors are reaching for high-yield debt.

On the surface, it’s a positive shift for the hardest-hit markets in 2022. 

But it also sends a clear message to stock market investors…


Credit spreads are contracting as the iShares High Yield Corporate Bond ETF $HYG trades at fresh 52-week highs relative to the iShares 3-7yr Treasury Bond ETF $IEI:

It’s classic bull market behavior.

But that’s not all…

The newest junk bonds to hit the street are catching higher on an absolute basis. 

Check out the Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF $ANGL:

All Star Charts Premium

‘Tis the Season For Dollar Weakness

December 14, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Bing Crosby dreamed of a White Christmas.

Who hasn’t?

Growing up, I wished for a white Christmas every year. I knew snow was a stretch living in Florida. But a kid can dream… 

This season, stock market bulls hope for quite a different, serene vision: a weaker dollar.

Based on the charts, they might just get their wish.

Check out the updated US Dollar Index $DXY chart:

DXY has respected key retracement levels on the way up and down over the past six months. The repeated touches add to my conviction in these levels.

All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

How To Play Gold’s False Start

December 13, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Last week’s fresh all-time highs left many gold bugs empty-hearted. 

The market continues to torment precious metal bulls as they wonder what could have been.

But hopes and dreams aren’t a viable strategy.

The only “what if” that concerns me is whether the yellow metal flashed a failed breakout.

Or are we simply dealing with a a premature move?

Let’s dig in…

All Star Charts Premium

The Stage Is Set for a Rip-Roaring Canadian Dollar Rally

November 29, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Fiat money worldwide is sidelining the dollar.

Emerging market currencies were the first to strike. Now, their developed market counterparts have joined the fray.

The result: Global equities and precious metals are catching a bid.

After a challenging second half, perhaps the year's final weeks will be a layup for stock and forex traders.

And with the Australian and New Zealand dollars completing tactical reversals against the USD, the Canadian dollar could be next…

Check out Canadian dollar futures bouncing off support: