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[Video] India Monthly Candlestick Preview (July 2020)

August 5, 2020

In September we'll be starting a new Live Monthly Conference Call at the beginning each month to review the most prominent monthly candlesticks charts from across the globe.

For those unfamiliar with our process, we use Monthly Candlesticks to tune out the daily/weekly noise and focus on the long-term trends in the market. It is one of the most invaluable parts of our process, by far.

As a preview of this new conference call format, I've recorded a quick video highlighting some charts that stood out for us in July.

Hope you enjoy!

Notable Breakdowns In The Rupee

July 30, 2020

I know it's a Technical Analysis no-no to be looking at weekly candlesticks before they're complete, but there's something happening in the Rupee that we need to be paying attention to.

[Chart Of The Week] Home TV Stocks

July 29, 2020

One of our favorite ways of looking at a sector or industry group is by using equally-weighted charts.

A lot of "Home TV" stocks have been on the move, so we're going to take a look at what's happening and determine what's next for the group.

First, let's take a look at our equally-weighted custom index of Den Networks, Hathway Cable, Sun TV Network, TV18Broadcast, and Zee Entertainment. Prices did break down to new all-time lows during the March decline, but quickly reversed and took out the downtrend line from their 2018 highs. Now, prices are testing former support/resistance with momentum diverging negatively, suggesting a near-term pause is likely.

Click on chart to enlarge view. 

[Chart(s) Of The Week] The Small Chart With Big Implications

July 29, 2020

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

If you ask people what it would take for Small-Caps to begin outperforming you'll get a variety of answers. We need Financials to outperform. We need a weak US Dollar. We need a steeper yield curve. We need the moon to be in a waxing crescent. We need a miracle.

You'll have a lot of answers and a whole lot more confusion.

So in this post, we want to keep it simple and identify the two charts we're using to identify a sustainable turn in Small-Cap relative performance.