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All Star Charts Premium

Earth Hits New All-time Highs

March 1, 2025

The bull market rages on, despite any ugly rumors you might here that it's over.

They love pretending that the bull market is done, because scaring you is good for business.

Telling you the world has never been a better place is just not good for the noisemaking community. 

It's good for investors though! That's us...

Anyway, historic back-to-back years for the stock market now continues to expand broadly all over the world.

Here is the "Earth Index" closing the month once again at a new all-time high.


Notice how the United States barely represents half of this Index.

In some of the other Global Indexes, the U.S. carries a much higher weighting, over 80% in some cases.

50% of the Index is about right in my opinion. 

You've got a lot of UK and Europe in this one, so it should be no surprise that the London FTSE 100 and the broader London FTSE 350 both closed the month at new all-time highs again yesterday.

Here is the broadest measure of European Equities, which include all the small-caps, mid-caps and large-caps, also hitting new all-time highs:


But keep in mind that the strength we're...

All Star Charts Premium

Shorts Get Squeezed as Breadth Expands

February 17, 2025

As more stocks, more sectors and more countries around the world start to participate in this bull market, any of the short sellers who overstayed their welcome are getting blown up.


This is a classic characteristic of healthy bull market environments. I would encourage you to go back and study every bull market ever. You'll find that investors who own stocks are much more profitable than those who are selling stocks.

It's just math.

Here's the thing about short sellers that I think gets forgotten. Short sellers are guaranteed future buyers. Longs are only promising to be future sellers. 

The thing is that when shorts are getting squeezed, these can become forced liquidations. And margin clerks don't use limit orders. They'll spray the market, and it will crush you if you're on the wrong side of that.

But if you're on the right side - pay day!

Here is a list of stocks where short sellers are the most vulnerable to get blown up:


The list begins with names that have a high short interest. Then we look at the ones where the number of shares short are exponentially greater...