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[Chart of the Week] Biotechnology Stocks Break Out!

January 30, 2018

It's hard to ignore a sector that is breaking out to new highs, especially when it's something that it hasn't done in a long time. Biotechnology has been a laggard for years. If we've wanted to be in healthcare, it certainly has not been in Biotech or Pharma, it's been Medical Equipment stocks. But it's 2018 and times are changing.

Today we're looking at breakouts in both the Equally-weighted Biotechnology Fund $XBI and the Cap-weighted Biotechnology Fund $IBB. Because of the very different composition of the two sector funds, we want to make sure to always watch the behavior of both. The $XBI tells a better story of the sector because it is not dominated by the big names like Amgen or Gilead. But at the same time, we're not going to just throw out the fact that $AMZN is a huge component of the Discretionary space, for example. So I think it's important to always keep an eye on both the cap-weighted and equally-weighted sector indexes.

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[Premium] Do We Want To Be Buying Biotech Stocks and Which Ones??

January 29, 2018

Biotechnology has not been something you've been hearing me pound the table about for a long time. I was a huge Biotech bull in 2015, but this has not been something we've wanted to be involved with much since. The biggest reason is for the dramatic under-performance. The winning areas have been in Technology, Industrials and Financials, not Biotechnology. If we've wanted to be in healthcare at all it's been in the Medical Device and Equipment stocks, not Pharma or Biotech.

It's 2018 now and things are changing; sectors are rotating. We're seeing strength in Energy, Materials and really just Natural Resources in general. Canada and Australia breaking out finally points to strength in that area as well.

Today we're going to talk specifically about Biotechnology and if/where we want to be involved. 


Three Historic Breakouts In The U.S. Stock Market Today

January 22, 2018

When you rip through 5000 charts a week you start to notice a few things. One thing that has caught my attention recently is the fact that there stocks just now breaking out of 20 year bases. These aren't some irrelevant micro-cap companies either, these are stocks that are literally representing some of the most important industries in America. It's hard to ignore these developments and I think it points to further strength in the U.S. Stock Market this year.

Stocks aren't breaking down from major tops. We saw so much of that happening throughout 2007 that it became almost impossible not to be short equities in 2008. Today we are still seeing the exact opposite: breakouts from major bases, multi-decade bases in some cases. Today I'm going to point out 3 very important stocks that are just now coming out of historic consolidations.

About That Uptrend In Small-caps

January 16, 2018

All-time highs across the board in Small-caps these days. Some are in shock. I personally just don't understand why stocks that are in uptrends going up is anything outside of perfectly normal? I would argue that any other result is what we should consider unusual. If the market teaches us one thing is that trends are much more likely to continue than to completely reverse.

In September I put out a post about small-caps breaking out of year long bases. If you recall, at the time, the sentiment around the market was about how high stocks were and how they could not go much further. My argument at that point was the exact opposite. Small-cap stocks had done nothing for an entire year. To suggest the stock market was too stretched was irresponsible, in my opinion. Not only did we want to be long stocks, we wanted to be "very aggressively long" equities.

[Chart Of The Week] Natural Gas Stocks Break Out Of Major Consolidation!

January 8, 2018

It's a new year and we're already starting to see brand new trends emerging. One area that I've preferred to stay away from for a long time has been the energy and natural resource space, which just so happen to be 2 of my favorite areas to be long heading into 2018. Today I want to point out the major reversal in Natural Gas stocks that I believe will catch many by surprise as we progress into the first quarter and likely beyond.

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[Premium] These Are The Natural Gas Stocks We Want To Buy

January 8, 2018

Natural Gas stocks? When was the last time you heard me talk about those?? There is a time and a place for everything. We've discussed the relative strength in Energy stocks as a group lately and have pointed out some interesting opportunities, particularly in the Oil Refinery space, Valero especially. That has worked very well in our favor the past few months.

But moving forward I think there are some extremely favorable risk vs reward scenarios within the Natural Gas stocks as well as all of them as a group.

Introducing the "Allstarcharts USA Next 50 Index"

January 3, 2018

As many of you already know, I do a lot of work on stock markets all over the world. It's part of my weight-of-the-evidence approach, but it also gives me the opportunity to learn from investors and traders who come from completely different cultures and bring a unique perspective. How else can we learn if not by exposing ourselves to new things?

Recently I was going through my India Nifty workbook where I keep all of my notes on the India Indexes like the NIFTY50, NIFTY500, NIFTY100, NIFTY Mid-caps, etc. It's a very similar workbook to the one I keep for the United States where I include the S&P500, DJIA, Russell2000, etc. I consider all of this to be the "top" of my top/down approach to equities. We start with the indexes, work our way down to the sectors and industry groups and ultimately to the individual stock level.

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[Premium] My 2018 Stock Market Outlook From The Top/Down

December 30, 2017

We do not make end of 2018 forecasts. I think it's irresponsible to think that we have any idea of what will happen a year from now. We want to reevaluate our thesis as time goes on and new data comes in. This reevaluation process occurs consistently throughout the entire year. How else can we manage risk responsibly? Are we supposed to place our bets after New Years and just hope for the best? Come on.

Take a deep breath. Forget everything we did this year and only think about where we are today. The idea is to keep an open mind and keep every option available. If we've loved something in 2017, that doesn't mean we can't hate it in 2018. Just because we've been shorting something this year, doesn't mean we can't be buyers in the next coming quarters. We're not here to be right, we're here to make money. We can't forget that and let ego take priority over profitability. It's important to be aware of our cognitive behavior patterns and this is one of them.

TV Appearance on BNN: Bitcoin, Gold & U.S. Stocks!

December 21, 2017

This week I was in New York City working on some really cool things that I'll be announcing next quarter. It has been an incredible year and I think 2018 is going to somehow be even better!  While I was in town, I swung by the Nasdaq Marketsite to chat with my friends over at BNN in Canada. They wanted me to talk about my thoughts on Bitcoin (of course), precious metals and U.S. equities.

It was a quick hit but I think I laid out some really interesting opportunities with very well defined risk parameters. As long as the potential reward is exponentially greater than the risk and the trend is on our side, I see little reason not to be all over these. There have been some very powerful trends in these markets over the past few years that I think continue into 2018.

Here is the video in full:

India Is Breaking Out Of 7-year Base!

December 19, 2017

What often gets lost in the shuffle between whether or not to buy emerging market stocks is the fact that there are several important components within the group. Emerging markets aren't just one thing. They are a collection of major markets around the world that are not yet fully developed.

Today we're talking about the structural breakout we're seeing in shares of the India Exchange Traded Fund $INDY. Look at the former highs in 2011 that were tested again in early 2015. This year prices were finally able to break out above that key resistance to begin a new leg higher. These are characteristics of uptrends, not downtrends. The weekly bar chart tells the story well:

The Breakout That No One Is Talking About: Consumer Staples!

December 12, 2017

In the world we live in today, it's hard to find someone that is excited about Consumer Staples. "Why, do they have a new digital coin out?" is what you might hear. While some people treat the the volatility in certain asset classes as something to be distracted about, we just look at bitcoin and its fellow coins as another investing vehicle. Consumer Staples have just as important of a role in our process. Today, I want to talk about the breakout we've seen this week in the Equally-weighted Consumer Staples Index Fund.

The way I learned it, the bigger the base, the higher in space! We want to buy breakouts from markets that have been range-bound for a while. Consumer Staples are one of them.