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Mystery Chart Revealed

June 6, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Last week I posted the mystery chart pictured below to see what people were thinking once they removed the biases of knowing the security name, timeframe, or etc. and had only price to rely on.

Well, the *rough* results are in and

  • 50% said do nothing because of the opportunity cost;
  • 25% said buy; and
  • 25% said sell

How To Bottom Fish Responsibly

June 5, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

The news broke last night that Twitter will be replacing Monsanto in the S&P 500 on June 7th. This announcement comes at a time where Twitter is hitting 3-year highs and is trending higher with the rest of the social media stocks and tech sector. The stock is still down 49% from its all-time highs hit in 2013 and was the butt of Wall Street’s jokes not too long ago, but its recent run presents a great opportunity to study what characteristics to look for when trying to pick a bottom in a stock, the responsible way.

All Star Charts Premium

Technology Is Beginning A New Leg Higher

June 3, 2018

When the biggest sector in the S&P500 representing 25% of the entire index makes an all-time daily, weekly and monthly closing high, it's probably worth paying attention. I also hear the lazy people talk about how Technology is being led by just a few names. This is simply not true as the Technology Equal-weight index is also breaking out to new highs. We're seeing a broad based rally in Tech, and it's not something new.

I've been pounding the table on Technology because it's been outperforming on an absolute basis, but also on a relative basis. Tech is not just going up, it's beating all the other sectors. Here is the Equally-weighted Tech Index Fund $RYT breaking out of a 4-month base to new all-time highs. New highs are a characteristic of uptrends, not downtrends:

Following Up On That March Island Reversal

June 2, 2018

Remember that Bearish Island Reversal in the Nasdaq in March? I wrote a whole note about it pointing out that it was now going to be a problem. The fact that the Nasdaq broke out to new all-time highs, and then failed hard, was evidence of an overwhelming amount of supply for stocks relative to demand.

I mentioned at the time that it was most likely going to resolve through time, rather than through a severe downside correction in price. The reason was that this was just a brief 2-month breakout and not a massive top or reversal. I said that the sooner we can get through that 7000 level, the stronger the market we're in from an intermediate-term perspective. Not only was this a risk management tool, but also as a source of information: strength or weakness in this case.

Fast forward just 10 weeks later and we're now breaking out above key resistance once again.

These Are The Trends In U.S. Stock Market Indexes

June 1, 2018

It's very easy to get caught up in the day to day noise of the market, especially if you're allowing toxic media content into your life. It's virtually impossible for us to completely ignore it all, although I do try my best. So, at the very least, we want to be aware of what type of content we're consuming and the conflicts of interest that are driving it. But another, and much easier way to avoid getting lost is simply by taking a step back. Monthly charts allow us to see the forest through the trees and is one of the most valuable parts of my entire process.

Even if you're a day trader or short-term swing trader, I think it's a huge advantage to understand the direction of the underlying trends. For me, who specifically looks out weeks and months, trying to make money this quarter, my monthly candlestick chart review is essential. I can't begin to tell you how much this has helped me avoid blindly calling tops or bottom fishing in never ending downtrends. It most certainly helps us err in the direction of the underlying trends which, of course, increases our probabilities of success.

Two Global Stock Market ETFs to Watch

May 29, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

The US Dollar Index is up roughly 7.5% since it's February lows, a move that has hit many of the global stock market ETFs we follow due to their local currency exposure. The Frontier Markets ETF $FM is among those hit hardest, down roughly 16% since late January. With that in mind, we like to focus on strength and there are three global ETFs that continue to hold up well and should lead if/when strength in the US Dollar subsides.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Deep Dive Into The Biotech Sector

May 21, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

If you've been reading our content over these last few weeks, you've likely noticed we've been performing a lot of deep dives on the sectors we want to be involved in on the long side like Solar, Energy (premium), Retail, and Software (premium). Healthcare in general has been a laggard and the Medical Device space continues to lead, but now we're seeing Biotechnology start to break out as well. In this post we're focused on the equal-weighted Biotech ETF $XBI, as the cap-weighted $IBB is lagging significantly and remains weak. This out-performance by the equal-weight sector ETF signifies a broad-based rally is underway, so we're looking for the best names in the sector to take advantage of this theme.

Solar Stocks Are Shining Again

May 21, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

It's been a rainy week here in New York, however, the Solar sector ETF $TAN was a bright spot as it broke out of a 2.5-year base. As a result, we've done a deep dive into the sector to identify several names that look to be offering asymmetric reward/risk opportunities on the long side.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Low $COST Breakout?

May 18, 2018

Excuse the pun, it was too easy.

Everybody loves a deal. And that couldn't be more obvious after looking at a monthly chart of Costco $COST going back to the financial crisis that bottomed out in 2009. Shoppers clearly have been filling Costco parking lots and their carts, as the monthly chart has been a beautiful uptrend with very little volatility.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Deep Dive Into Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Stocks

May 17, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni

I know you're probably tired of hearing this intro over and over again, but to start this post I want to reaffirm that at Allstarcharts we remain in the camp that stocks in the U.S. and globally are headed higher. Normally we focus on the sectors that are leading and making new all-time highs, however, the Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF $XOP is breaking out of a multi-year consolidation, signaling a new intermediate or long-term uptrend is beginning. As a result, we want to see which names in this space present the best reward/risk scenarios to take advantage of this thesis.

All Star Charts Premium

As It Turns Out, This Is Not The End Of Retail As We Know It

May 17, 2018

Last summer I wrote a pretty controversial post about the fact that everyone just assumed retailers were all going bankrupt and buying their stocks was foolish. My argument at the time was the exact opposite: I felt that to not be buying retail stocks was irresponsible. Here is that post titled, "Is This Really The End Of Retail As We Know It?". There many stocks at the time that presented us with well defined risk with rewards exponentially greater than any risk we were taking. That worked out very well for us.

At this point, we're still hearing this short retail narrative from stock market bears digging for anything they can think of to not admit they were very wrong. You see, that's the difference between people who make money and those who don't: the ability to change your mind. Remember, we're not here to be right, we're here to make money. Check your ego at the door or this market is going to rip your face off, as it has done to many retail bears.

About Those Historic Breakouts In Taiwan & Thailand

May 14, 2018

Stocks in the United States aren't up because of what is happening in New York or Washington DC. They are up despite of what is going on in those places. Stocks in the U.S. are up because stocks all over the world are up. That's how this works.

So when we are trying to figure out whether the next move in stocks is higher or lower, and whether we should be buying them or selling them, we don't just want to look within U.S. borders. By doing that we're missing the bigger picture. We care less about the behavior of stocks in our own country and more about stocks as an asset class.