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Chart of the Day: More Breadth Improvement

January 31, 2023

It's a market of stocks.

People forget that.

They choose to obsess over every tick in the S&P500 or Nasdaq instead of recognizing what's happening among the actual components of those indexes.

As it turns out, this has become one of our competitive advantages.

If you're wondering why we tend to be ahead of the curve on changes in major trends, I would point to this.

Most people don't have the time (or are too lazy) to sit there and count how many stocks are going up vs how many are going down.

Welcome To The Beta Chase

January 29, 2023

What do bull markets look like?

Well obviously, more stocks are going up than going down.

More sectors are participating to the upside, while fewer are falling.

And you also see an expansion in breadth across the globe, with more and more countries joining in on the uptrends.

Those are bull markets.

And do you know what you also see?

High Beta stocks outperform Low Volatility. This is a consistent characteristic among the strongest uptrends.

Potential Levels of Future Interest

January 25, 2023

The Dollar was the catalyst all along.

She was always the one.

The strong negative correlation between stocks and the US Dollar has been consistent since 2016.

When the Dollar is weak, stocks rip. End of story.

Look at how well stocks did in the 4th quarter while the US Dollar Index had its first 3 straight months of losses since the end of Covid, which if you recall sparked the greatest 52-week period for returns in the history of the stock market.

I still think it's important to focus on the Dollar, so here are some potential levels of future interest:

The Prior Cycle's Highs

January 20, 2023

A funny thing happened last summer.

Financials as a sector successfully retested the highs in price from just before the start of the Great Financial Crisis.

Look at the 2007 peak in Financials. After testing that level and failing in 2018 and 2020, prices ultimately broke out.

Last summer was the retest.

Former Resistance turned into Support:

Does this trend look over to you?

January 3, 2023

For over a decade, stocks in the United States outperformed Commodities by a long shot.

In fact, Commodities underperformed for so long, that many investors even forgot that they were an asset class.

"Stocks and Bonds JC!", they would tell me.

And I would say, "No kids, it's Stocks, Bonds AND Commodities".

Gold Rush: Outpace The Alternatives

January 2, 2023

Did you get through our entire Gold Report?

What did you think?

Shoot me a note and let us know!

Today I want to talk about relative outperformance.

You see, in bull markets, assets not only do well on an absolute basis, but they also tend to outperform their alternatives.

I don't know if you noticed, but Gold just went out for the year at its highest levels ever relative to U.S. Treasury Bonds.

Gold is also making new 6-month highs relative to U.S. Stocks:

Oooh Baby I Love Your Way

December 22, 2022

I don't know how many times I've said it this year. Someone go back and count.

But the catalyst IS THE WEAKER DOLLAR.

It's not the fed, or the election, or yield curves, or wars, or Santa Claus or any of the other random arguments that we've all heard along the way.

It's the US Dollar.
