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A Big Move Is Finally Coming In The US Dollar

October 18, 2019

It's been a while since we talked about the Dollar. The truth is, this trade has really been a Nothing-Burger all year. G-10 currencies have been a snooze-fest until just recently. I have good friends who specialize in this space and they're bored. That's not good for their business, but I have a suspicion that things are changing.

Let's get right into it. Here is the US Dollar Index breaking down on a weekly timeframe and unable to hold its previous highs. This sort of thing reminds me a lot of early October 2018 for US Stocks. From failed moves come fast moves, is how I learned it. I've also come to understand over time that this is not something to be afraid of, as many books often hint to. I think this is something to embrace. It presents the best risk vs reward opportunities of any other setup I know:

Video: Making The Bear Case For US Stocks

September 25, 2019

In this Episode of Allstarcharts Weekly, Steve and I make the bear case for US Stocks. I think we've been pretty clear about the fact that we believe stocks resolve this consolidation since 2018 higher, not lower. But I always think it's important to take the other side and consider the alternative. What will the market environment most likely look like if we're wrong, and we should be selling stocks rather than buying them. I think we brought up some good points here.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Why Thursday's Action Was Significant

September 6, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Thursday was an important near-term inflection point for several major asset classes.

This post is going to cover what's moving, why we're taking notice, and what it could mean going forward.

The 120 Best Charts In The World

August 16, 2019

What is the best chart in the world right now? I don't know. I guess that really depends on your time horizon, risk tolerance and overall market goals. These are different for all of us.

Today, I want to share what I think are collectively the 120 best charts. The way I see, there is no ONE chart that can tell today's story. But as a unit, these 120 slides give us a good look at the current market environment.

All Star Interviews Season 3, Episode 6: Todd Sohn, Technical Strategist at Strategas Securities

August 14, 2019

Todd Sohn is one of my favorite guys to talk to about the markets. He often sends me charts that no one else is looking at and points out important data that most people aren't talking about. His unique perspective on the market definitely makes him stand out from the rest. Todd and his team at Strategas do great work and it's a real pleasure to have him on the podcast. In this conversation we discuss the current environment for US Stocks, Interest Rates, Precious Metals and the sentiment driving current trends. He offers good advice for both new technicians and seasoned veterans. If you're at all interested in the market, this is an episode you can't miss. Enjoy!

One Of Many "Risk-Off" Signals

August 8, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Tuesday's Mystery Chart is one of my favorite charts right now, so thank you all for your feedback and participation.

I received a lot of answers, but I'd say 2/3 of you were buyers and the other 1/3 were buyers at lower prices and taking profits at current levels.

With that as our backdrop, let's get into it.