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All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Playbook To Profit in Q1 2019

December 29, 2018

This is one of my favorite things to do: Forget everything that happened this quarter and this year and start from scratch. It doesn't matter what we did or how we felt in 2018. It's irrelevant. We're moving forward. This is my Q1 2019 Playbook.


[Chart Of The Week] US Dollar Index Breaks Down

December 28, 2018

While we couldn't be happier that U.S. stocks got destroyed this quarter, let's not forget about all of the other markets out there. US Treasury Bonds have had a very nice rally during this stock market correction, which is another move we're ecstatic about. And Gold and Silver have started to make moves to the upside as well, which is something we haven't seen in what feels like forever.

But today, it's the US Dollar that I think stands out and the recent move lower could just be the beginning. 

The Top 15 Charts I Review Every Day

November 17, 2018

When we want to see what the market is doing on a given day, we all have our list of the ticker symbols we punch in: $DJIA or $SPY or $QQQ. Some people are more global and look at things like Gold, Crude Oil or Interest Rates and countries like Japanese or German Indexes. I talk to guys and gals who tell me the Russell2000 is the market for them. We're all different. The point is to be true to who you are and act accordingly.

I get asked a lot what that list is for me. The way I interpret this question is, “What are the 15 ticker symbols I punch into my charting software to see what the market did or is doing at any point during the day or night?”. 

Video: My Presentation At Trade Ideas Summit 2018

October 22, 2018

This weekend I was down in beautiful San Diego for the 3rd annual Trade Ideas Conference. For me, it's not just about the presentation that I give or the panel that I sit on, but the people that I get to meet or see again. That's the great part about our community: everyone's ability to share and learn and recognize that we're all in this together. As we approach the market with our own individual goals and objectives in mind, along the way we pick things up from others that help us adjust and fine tune our strategies regularly over time. My friends at Trade Ideas put on a good show, but it was the engaged audience and interactions with my fellow speakers that really made the weekend great.

Here is the video of my presentation. Shoot us an email to if you're interested in receiving the slides:

All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 9: Frank Cappelleri, Senior Sales Trader & Head Market Technician at Instinet

October 18, 2018

Frank Cappelleri is one of my favorite guys to listen to. He brings a unique perspective because of a lot of his experience on Wall Street. Early in his career he spent time working at Smith Barney with legends Alan Shaw and Louise Yamada. He then experienced his first bear market after March 2000 working with former Lehman trader John Schlitz. Frank has been at Instinet, which is owned by Nomura, for a long time and is constantly in touch with some of the smartest guys in the business. I think he's as good a technician as anyone and in this episode he shows us just that. We discuss the market implications of a rising US Dollar and why he no longer has a target above 3050 for the S&P500. I was really looking forward to this conversation and we're lucky we get to pick his brain for a bit. I hope you enjoy this one!

India Monthly Charts Are Out!

September 1, 2018

August's monthly charts are out for Premium Members, but in this post I want to highlight some of the key changes to, or continuation of, the structural trends that these long-term charts provide perspective on. This 30 minutes per month is some of the most valuable time each month.

[Chart of The Week] Dollar Index Makes 1-Year Closing Highs

August 10, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

I know the US Dollar isn't as sexy as Tesla's Elon Musk tweeting market moving information every few hours or Apple hitting a trillion dollar market-cap, but I have been waiting all summer for a resolution of this range in the Dollar Index and it looks like we might be finally getting it. Whether this move is successful and the Dollar continues higher, or it's a failed breakout that sends the Euro ripping, there will be significant cross-asset implications that are worth thinking about as this move develops.