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[Chart Of The Week] Gold Hits All-time Highs Priced In Emerging Market Currencies

January 4, 2018

This is a new year with fresh opportunities to buy some things and short others. It's a two way market. Anyone who has been sitting in Gold over the past 4 years is frustrated. If you've been in Gold the past 18 months, it must feel even worse. You could have pretty much bought anything else and done well: Stocks, Energy, Crypto. There is a lot of pent up pressure in the Gold market.

I've been in the camp that Gold has either been a stay away or a short. This has gone on for the past 18 months since our upside targets were hit. It's worked out relatively well for a long time, particularly the stay away from piece of that. The opportunity costs of being involved in this space has been off the charts.

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[Premium] The Gold Trade For 2018

January 4, 2018

We want to go into 2018 forgetting everything we thought we once knew. The process of approaching every market with an open mind is something that I think is very important. Our goals of profitability need to outweigh any emotions driven by ego.

I've been very critical of Gold, Silver and Precious Metals stocks since the Summer of 2016 when they hit the upside objectives we gave them earlier that year. Since then, it's been a sideways mess, with fast moves lower and abrupt mean reversions higher. These are characteristics of messy markets, not trending ones like U.S. Stocks were for example since, coincidentally (I doubt it) that Summer of 2016.

Today we're going to go over the best risk vs reward propositions in the Gold market as we enter 2018:


[Chart of the Week] Stocks Break Out Relative to Bonds and Gold!

November 22, 2017

One thing that often gets forgotten is that we don't live in a vacuum. Life in the market is not just about absolute performance, but about how assets behave relative to their peers. The stock market isn't the biggest game in town, it's the bond market. But let's not forget about metals either. When stocks are in bull markets, they're not just going up as a group, they are also outperforming the alternatives.

Today we're taking a look at stocks, not just on their own, but relative to the other assets. We know that on their own stocks are making new all-time highs. This is happening all over the world. Stocks in the U.S. aren't up because of what's happening in New York or Washington DC. Stocks in the U.S. are up because stocks all over the world are going up, both in developed and emerging markets, despite of what is happening in New York and Washington DC.

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[Premium] About That Rising US Dollar Environment

November 4, 2017

Since September we've been in the camp that the US Dollar is heading higher and potentially a lot higher. So if you want to be long the US Dollar, that is one way to take advantage of it. Short Euro has been another. But my favorite has been to be short the Gold Miners, particularly the more vulnerable Junior Gold Miners $GDXJ. So far this is working well. But I think it's worth reiterating that we, in general, want to approach the marketplace within the context of what we think will be a rising US Dollar environment.

Today we're taking a closer look at what's going on here:


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[Premium] The Monthly Candlesticks Look Even Better Than Last Month

November 1, 2017

It is such an incredible blessing to have monthly candlestick charts of all the markets around the world at our disposal. It's essentially free data which is easily organized into a visual format to help us identify the direction of the underlying trends. It doesn't matter what your time horizon is, the monthly candlesticks offer a longer-term perspective from which to begin your analysis. From there is when you work your way down to more intermediate and shorter-term time horizons, but keeping the direction of the underlying primary trends in context.

I have a massive workbook of Monthly Candlestick charts that I review at the end of every month. I do not even open this workbook in the middle of the month. The fact that I only look at this workbook 12 times a year forces me to always come back to the primary trend, not allowing me to forget it. This exercise really helps me stay true and keeps me honest. It is easily one of the most valuable parts of my entire process.

These are some of the things that stood out to me the most:





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[Premium] How Do Commodities And Currencies Fit Into Today's Environment?

October 4, 2017

You guys know how I feel about equities. We've been on the right of the trade while all the gloom-and-doomers and noisemakers are pulling their hair our of their heads trying to figure out why stocks won't fall. To me, it's been fairly clear: Stocks are in uptrends and that's what stocks in uptrends do, they go up. This has been the trend globally, domestically, large-caps, small-caps, you name it. Talk about breadth expansion, I couldn't tell you the last time I saw this much broad participation out of equities. I encourage you to go through the Chartbook and look through all of the International Stock Indexes, U.S. Averages, Sectors, Dow Components, Transportation Components and additional Stocks of Interest.

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[Premium] Taking A Hard Look At The Fresh Monthly Charts

September 30, 2017

I can't tell you guys how important it is to stop whatever you're doing and take a step back. It's so easy for us to get caught up in the day to day noise and forget about the underlying trends in the market. We're human. We're built to be this way. But recognizing this flaw is an important step in correcting it and trying to benefit from the fact that others are unaware. One of my favorite ways to do this is to look through a series of Monthly Candlestick Charts at the end of every month. Remember, we don't want to look at these mid-month as candles are incomplete. It is the final results that we are most concerned with.

We want to use this bigger picture strategy to identify the directions of the underlying trends in the market. This goes for all markets: Stocks, both U.S. and Globally, Interest Rates, Precious Metals, Energy, Currencies, etc. This is how we know what the trends are so we can then go to our weekly and daily charts to look for more tactical opportunities within those ongoing trends. This is a very important element to our top/down approach.

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The Most Important Gold Charts We're Watching Today

September 7, 2017

You will find that Gold is a sensitive subject for many people. They behave differently than they normally do around this topic. My friend Dr. Phil has me reading Beck's work on Cognitive Behavior Therapy so I can continue learning about how we behave as humans and why. It's amazing how I see it specifically in the market but also in the rest of the world every day. The Gold Market is no different. There's definitely something there. If you've been in this business long enough, you've noticed how people act differently about this one specific investment. Even investors who don't have positions in this rock still have an opinion on it and one that steers away from their traditional approach.

[Chart Of The Week] Stocks Over Precious Metals For Another 20%

June 16, 2017

The debate that will always persist is the Stocks vs Gold question. Do we own gold? Do we own stocks? Do we own both? What percentage of our portfolio should be in precious metals? Do we own the physical or the ETF? Whether Gold is at new highs or new lows, the questions will keep coming. It's something that us as humans are driven to constantly. I've learned to embrace it. While I treat Gold and the S&P500 the same way I treat Cotton futures and the Egypt30 Stock Index, it's understandable why others don't.

So let's look at it. In which direction should we expect the next 20% - Gold or US Stocks? 

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[Premium] Technical Analysis On Monthly Candlesticks

June 1, 2017

It's the end of the month so you know what that means: Brand new freshly completed monthly candlesticks for us to review. While I normally use weekly charts to get structural perspective on markets and then daily charts for tactical purposes, the monthly chart review is done at the end of each month to help identify the primary trends around the market. This is for us who want to avoid the day to day noise surrounding politics or the Fed or whatever news story is being sensationalized this week.


Audio: When Is It Time To Buy Gold Again?

May 30, 2017

Precious metals are in a downtrend. There is no question in my mind that prices have been heading lower, not higher. We had a beautiful counter-trend rally in the first half of last year and we took full advantage of that from the long side. But our upside objectives were hit in the Summer. Since then it's either been a short or neutral in terms of positioning. At this point we want to continue with this approach and mindset within this group of securities - both the stocks and commodities. Long positions here make little sense to me from any sort of intermediate-term horizon.

Chartered Market Technician and author of The Daily Gold, Jordan Roy-Byrne invited me on his Daily Gold Podcast last week. We discuss both the short-term and longer-term implications of the behavior of the metals market lately. This is the Gold post he references throughout the interview.

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[Premium] Here's How We're Going To Make Money In Energy This Month

March 2, 2017

For me it's not just about buying a group of stocks, but about buying the strongest members of that group. I am a firm believer that by erring on the long side of relative strength or erring on the short side of relative weakness, the odds of a continuation in trend is much greater than the odds of a reversal. Therefore, there is a higher probability of success by following trend, rather than trying to fight trends. So today I want to talk about how we're going to take this top/down approach and apply it to find profitable trades this month in Energy stocks.