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[Chart Of The Week] US Dollar Index Breaks Down

December 28, 2018

While we couldn't be happier that U.S. stocks got destroyed this quarter, let's not forget about all of the other markets out there. US Treasury Bonds have had a very nice rally during this stock market correction, which is another move we're ecstatic about. And Gold and Silver have started to make moves to the upside as well, which is something we haven't seen in what feels like forever.

But today, it's the US Dollar that I think stands out and the recent move lower could just be the beginning. 

All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 13: Brett Steenbarger, Trading Psychologist

December 19, 2018

Having Trading Psychologist Dr. Brett Steenbarger on the podcast was a huge treat for me. He works with the best traders on planet earth on a daily basis. Needless to say, when Dr. Brett is telling me something, I want to listen. In this episode, he let me ask him all the questions I was curious about and he happily answered them all with solid advice and relevant anecdotes. We make a lot of mistakes as investors because of our many flaws as humans. When our stress levels are elevated we start acting emotionally, instead of rationally. Taking losses is a difficult task for us, even though we all know that losses are part of the deal. I really enjoyed this conversation and it could have gone on forever if I didn't end it. I hope you get as much value from this chat as I did.

Nearly 20% Downside Ahead In Tumeric?

December 10, 2018

There have been many whipsaws in the Commodities' market as of late, with few intermediate-term trends allowing us to trade them with well-defined risk. Every now and again the market provides us with a clear opportunity, this time it's in the form of a breakdown in Tumeric.

Can Energy Find A Bottom Here?

December 4, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Crude Oil is down roughly 35% over the last two months as record bullish sentiment unwound and prices fell in what was essentially a straight line. There hasn't been any reason to bottom-fish this market, but today we received our first indication that a short-term bottom may be in.

These Monthly Charts Help Us Zoom Out

December 1, 2018

Whenever in doubt, zoom out. Monthly charts are a great way to do that. On November 30th we got new daily, weekly and monthly candles. This is a lot of new data that we have to work with.

Here is what I'm seeing out there:

[Premium] Are Stocks Rolling Over Again?

November 26, 2018

During our members-only conference call and our trade management post we discussed why a more neutral approach is best as we identify whether equities are going to consolidate at higher levels or begin to roll over again. We also discussed the importance of taking some profits quickly in an environment that produces whipsaws in both directions.

Over the last two weeks we've seen a number of our long ideas failing and more of our short ideas working, suggesting that lower prices are likely ahead in the short-term and that we should continue to err on the short side of stocks. This post will outline some of the evidence we're seeing supporting this thesis, as well as adding a number of short ideas to our trade list from October and November.

The Top 15 Charts I Review Every Day

November 17, 2018

When we want to see what the market is doing on a given day, we all have our list of the ticker symbols we punch in: $DJIA or $SPY or $QQQ. Some people are more global and look at things like Gold, Crude Oil or Interest Rates and countries like Japanese or German Indexes. I talk to guys and gals who tell me the Russell2000 is the market for them. We're all different. The point is to be true to who you are and act accordingly.

I get asked a lot what that list is for me. The way I interpret this question is, “What are the 15 ticker symbols I punch into my charting software to see what the market did or is doing at any point during the day or night?”. 

All Star Charts Premium

Is It Time For Uranium Stocks To Break Out?

November 6, 2018

There are assets out there that have a lower or no correlation with the rest of the U.S. Stock Market. These investments are really helpful, but even more so when we're looking for stocks to buy in an environment where we think most stocks keep falling in price. One of these less correlated areas is the Uranium space.

Investors in Uranium stocks over the past 7 years have been some of the worst stock market investors in the world during that period. Think about this, Uranium investors have performed even worse since 2011 than gold and silver investors! That is saying a lot. We've already been buying precious metals stocks the past couple of months so it seems like rotation into the worst of the worst areas is happening in unison.

First of all, here is the Uranium Futures chart breaking out from the downtrend it has been in since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 that marked the top in the space:

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