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All Star Charts Premium

Soybeans Look Ripe For a Rally

March 22, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Commodities are in the early innings of a secular bull run.

The list of raw materials hitting all-time highs since 2020 includes Gold, Copper, Wheat, Soybean Oil, Cattle,  Orange Juice, Cocoa, Heating Oil, Gasoline, Palm Oil, Lumber, Tin, Rebar, Iron Ore, and Coal. (If that roll call doesn’t scream commodity supercycle, I don’t know what does.) 

It’s an exhaustive list that will only grow in the coming years. Remember, these cycles can last decades. We’re only in year four!

Of course, there are also some laggards amongst the ranks. (ahem, Crude). But don’t lose sight of the bigger picture! 

Even Soybeans are queuing up for new all-time highs…

Check out soybean futures zoomed out to the 1950s:

Inflation is Back Baby!

March 19, 2024

This is a great thing, but only if you allow it be great.

Interest rates went out yesterday at their highest levels since November.

Do you really believe that the 10-year yield keeps going up because interest rates are going down?


There are people who actually believe that.

So for us, who actually take the time to look, we know that it's the exact opposite.

Commodities are heading higher. And Interest Rates are rising with them.

This Will Cause So Much Pain

March 17, 2024

Are you prepared for a market environment where Commodities are ripping higher and stocks continue to struggle?

Don't worry, most people are not.

In fact, so few people are prepared for this line to go up, and so much pain will be felt by so many (investors or otherwise), that this is exactly the outcome I'm betting on.

Higher Rates = Opposite of Lower Rates

March 16, 2024

Have you heard that stocks are going up in anticipation of lower interest rates?

Me too.

That's hilarious isn't it?

What about all those journalists?

Are they feeding you the same garbage?


How about the Biden?

This guy is still the President of the United States. And he's telling you that rates are going down.

Have any of these people even bothered to look?

Or are they just lying to you?

Neither is an acceptable answer.

The U.S. 10-year Yield just went out yesterday at the highest weekly close since November.

All Star Charts Premium

Copper and Gold and Palladium, Oh My!

March 15, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Metals are working.

Gold is printing new all-time highs. Copper is trading above four bucks. And Palladium

Well, Palladium has stopped going down.

Considering Palladium’s Commitment of Traders (COT) profile, its tendency to trend with technology stocks, and where it stopped falling…

It’s time to buy!

Check out the long-term Palladium chart stretching back to the late 70s:

All Star Charts Premium

Catch Copper on the Breakout

March 8, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Gold is up for the sixth day in a row – and it looks like this week’s breakout might be the real deal.

If it is — and gold continues to rip — it’s only a matter of time before copper breaks out too.

Check out the overlay chart of gold and copper futures:

Where gold goes, copper follows. Or perhaps they simply enjoy similar paths.

The rhyme or reason makes no difference. During a commodity bull run, precious and industrial metals will enter a broad markup phase. Gold will not take off on a rip-roaring rally without copper by its side.

I used to be a Gold Bug

March 6, 2024

Fun fact, did you know I used to be a Gold Bug?

That's right.

In the early years of my career, being a Gold Bug was actually cool.

Throughout the 2000s, not only were Gold prices going up, they were also outperforming stocks and bonds, by a lot.

I was that guy.

Gold Hits All-time Highs

March 5, 2024

The stock market is near new all-time highs and getting all the attention.

Crypto Currencies are breaking out and everyone is all hyped up for another Defi Summer.

Meanwhile, Gold is quietly hitting new all-time highs.

Never in history has Gold closed at a higher price than it did yesterday:

All Star Charts Premium

Gold Will Lead the Way

March 1, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

What happened to those everyday commodity contracts the average investor follows?

I’m talking about crude oil, gold, and copper.

These days, it’s all about cattle futures, orange juice, or cocoa hitting an all-time high. 

I’m sure everyone down at the NYMEX or the folks over at the CBOT in Chicago are having a ball. But what about the stock traders trying to get a piece of the action?

Sure, the energy trade is starting to work again. But gold has been a range-bound mess since the summer of 2020. And gold mining stocks have been an absolute dumpster fire.

It just doesn’t make sense amid a commodity bull run…

Crude Oil Up 2 Months In A Row For 2024

March 1, 2024

What a month for investors!

My understanding is that due to higher inflation, February now has 29 days.

And so here we are: March 1st.

You know what that means?

New Monthly Charts are now available, and we'll be going over it all together this Monday March 4th @ 6PM ET.

Premium Members can register for that here.

In the meantime, check out the monthly candlesticks for Crude Oil Futures. Look at this massive base above support: