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Video: Happy Hour w/ Traders Dan Russo & Andrew Thrasher

July 6, 2020

Last month I shared a video of my Happy Hour with Traders Kimmy Sokoloff and Joe Fahmy. You guys sent in amazing feedback and I really enjoyed doing it. So today, I want to give you a peak at my conversation with Andrew Thrasher and Dan Russo. They both love drinking wine and we've always had that in common, so we discussed some of our favorites as well as our thoughts on the stock market and bond market.

It's cool to be able to sit back and relax with two of the smartest guys out there and hear what they have to say. I hope you enjoy!

Video: Happy Hour w/ Traders Kim Sokoloff & Joe Fahmy

June 18, 2020

I'm fortunate to have a lot of smart friends who are experts on the stock market. In some cases they're traders, or portfolio managers, analysts, financial advisors and best-selling authors. I get to have incredibly insightful conversations with my friends and colleagues every single day. But I understand that most people don't.

So today I'd like to share a video of a conversation I had yesterday with New York City Trader Kim Sokoloff, and about half way through my buddy Joe Fahmy also joined the chat. We discussed process, we talked about a few trade ideas we liked and just had an overall good time catching up.

These are the conversations I'm having regularly. I hope this gives you some insight as to how much I get to learn from my friends:

Charting School: The Triangle

June 17, 2020

When it comes to "Continuation Patterns", Triangles are one of the more common ones you'll see. In this video we're discussing, more specifically, the Symmetrical Triangle, and how markets tend to consolidate between two converging trendlines. This series of higher lows and lower highs ultimately reaches its apex, which forces a resolution.

Throughout this course, we discuss all kinds of patterns, both continuation and reversals. In Triangle Land, we often see Symmetrical Triangles, Ascending Triangles, Descending Triangles and Wedges that appear like Triangles and have similar implications.

These are all covered in Lesson 5 of the NEW Allstarcharts Charting School:

Charting School: Wait For Your Pitch

June 9, 2020

There are no called strikes on Wall Street. In other words, we're not penalized for not swinging, like you are in baseball. We have the ability to be patient, to a certain extent at least, depending on your mandate. But most of us don't have mandates! Even one of the best hitters of all time struggled when he swung at bad pitches. In this video we compare Ted Williams' batting average when he swung at good pitches, vs when he swung at bad ones.

This is my favorite reminder that in trading & investing, we want to wait for OUR perfect pitch, and then swing, vs just swinging at anything. 

This explanation is taken directly from Lesson 5 in our NEW Allstarcharts Charting School:

Charting School: What Is Market Breadth?

June 5, 2020

This is a market of stocks, and not just a "stock market".

All of these Indexes, from the Dow Jones Industrial Average to the Russell2000 Small-caps, are made up of components. There are 30 stocks in the Dow and 2000 stocks in the Russell2K, for example.

Are more of them going up? Are more of them making new highs? Are more of them showing bullish momentum characteristics? Are fewer and fewer components doing these things as the indexes make new highs? What about in downtrends? Are more stocks confirming the new lows in the indexes or are fewer and fewer stocks making new lows and showing bearish momentum characteristics as the market makes new lows?

The answers to these types of questions is what we call, "Market Breadth Analysis". There are a lot of ways to do this on all sorts of different time horizons. In this lesson we go over all the methods we use to decipher market breadth, which can be used by both individual traders and the largest financial institutions in the world.

This explanation is taken directly from Lesson 4 from the NEW Allstarcharts Charting School:

Chats w/ Friends: Gold, Silver & Gold Miners

April 12, 2020

We're all stuck at home these days and Zoom is how we get to hang out with friends and family.

This week I was chatting with my pal Jeremy over in Laguna Beach about Gold, Silver and Gold Mining Stocks.

I think there are some good opportunities in the space and I think there are areas in which to be patient.

Here's a short video of our discussion:

Video: Communications Stocks Breaking Out

January 22, 2020

In this Episode of Allstarcharts Weekly, Steve and I talk about the newest Sector in America: Communications. Back in 2018, the Index makers took out some of our favorite Technology stocks and put them along with some telecom into this new Index called Communications. With Google and Facebook now representing 40% of this $XLC index, the fact that we're just now breaking out to all-time highs says a lot about the space.

We Went To India And Here's What We Found

December 16, 2019

Mumbai is one of my favorite cities in the world. There is no question about it.

Last month I had the chance to take the boys out there for a week and show them why I love visiting there so much.

Here's a quick wrap up video about our experience:

Dow Theory Is NOT Just Industrials & Transports

December 6, 2019

In this Episode of Allstarcharts Weekly, Steve and I discuss the less talked about tenets of Dow Theory. Everyone always likes to talk about the Dow Jones Industrial Average either confirming or diverging from the Dow Jones Transportation Average. But what gets forgotten is that there are many more tenets like Closing Prices are the most important, Identifying the direction of the Primary Trends and The Market Discounting Everything. Check out JC's 5 Most Important Dow Theory Tenets

This day and age we have other areas just as important, or even more important, than a group of Railroads, like what Charlie had when he first wrote down his Tenets in the late 1800s. Today we also compare the Dow Jones Industrial Average to the Semiconductor and Homebuilders Indexes as well as incorporate a series of ratios with Consumer Staples and Financials. It's more of an "and" than an "or" for us when it comes to Dow Theory.

This Is How We Look At Financial Markets

December 5, 2019

This week I hosted a Live Special Conference Call for Premium Members of All Star Charts. Premium Members can access My Presentation here.

You can also watch this entire video for just $1 by clicking this link. In this short clip below, I show you 3 specific points throughout the presentation where

1) I discuss risk management techniques and how we will know soon if we're wrong on our thesis,

2) a specific ratio that is a coincident and, often times, a leading indicator for US Stocks, and

3) how we identify specific trade ideas using the top/down approach, with 2 ideas in particular that we want to take advantage of today.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me, even if it's just to say hi. Sign up here to watch the video in full