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My Search For Wisdom Brought Me To India

June 9, 2018

Every morning I get to wake up and do what I want to do, not what I have to do. Life doesn't always work out that way, so I promise not a day goes by that I'm not incredibly thankful for the opportunities that I have. With a tremendous amount of luck and some hard work, I get to play in the biggest game in town, in every town. Throughout my career, most of my interactions with traders and investors came from living in New York for 15 years. Over the past 18 months, however, I've been traveling throughout Asia learning from investors who come from completely different cultures and bring brand new perspectives to my process.

It's difficult for me to write about these experiences because I truly don't even know where to begin. When I write blog posts and research about technical analysis, I can just tell you what I'm thinking. That's easy and enjoyable for me. But when it comes to really digging down into what the hell I just experienced on the other side of the planet, it's not that simple.

Slide Deck From Traders Carnival 2018

June 6, 2018

I'm back in the United States and I must say, it was truly a pleasure attending this year's Traders Carnival in Mumbai. The interest in Techncial Analysis was off the charts! (see what I did there?) The people were amazing and the food was outstanding. The entire experience was really enjoyable for me and my younger sister, who tagged along with me to Mumbai this time.

Many of you have been asking about the slide deck I used during my first presentation to kick off the event. You can download the entire PDF here:

[Premium] Update On Base Metals

June 6, 2018

This week's chart of the week is highlighting the 4+ year highs that Copper made today, however, the rest of the base metal space should not be overlooked as it continues to show relative strength versus the rest of the commodity complex. With that being said, this post is a quick update on our risk management levels and price targets for the rest of the space.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

[India Chart of the Week] Copper Is Breaking Out!

June 6, 2018

We've talked about why we love big bases in prior posts and Copper certainly falls into that category as it's done nothing since 2011. The reason Copper is relevant today is because it's confirming a breakout from its 7-year base by hitting 4+ year highs and clearing resistance near 470-475. From a risk management perspective our risk is very well-defined as we only want to be long above 470 and a price target of 588 means the reward/risk is ridiculously skewed in our favor.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

[Premium] Monthly Chart Trends & Perspectives

June 4, 2018

It’s very easy to get caught up in the day to day noise of the market, especially if you’re allowing toxic media content into your life. It’s virtually impossible for us to completely ignore it all, although I do try my best. So, at the very least, we want to be aware of what type of content we’re consuming and the conflicts of interest that are driving it. But another, and much easier way to avoid getting lost is simply by taking a step back. Monthly charts allow us to see the forest through the trees and is one of the most valuable parts of my entire process.

Even if you’re a day trader or short-term swing trader, I think it’s a huge advantage to understand the direction of the underlying trends. For me, who specifically looks out weeks and months, trying to make money this quarter, my monthly candlestick chart review is essential. I can’t begin to tell you how much this has helped me avoid blindly calling tops or bottom fishing in never ending downtrends. It most certainly helps us err in the direction of the underlying trends which, of course, increases our probabilities of success.

[Premium] Nifty Auto Stocks To Buy

May 30, 2018

In this week's India Chart of the Week I discuss why the equal-weighted Nifty Auto index is suggesting we want to be looking to the sector for opportunities on the long side, despite the overall lack of direction in the cap-weighted index over the last few months. To avoid being redundant I'll refer you to that post for the full explanation of this thesis and get right into the Auto stocks we want to be buying.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

[India Chart of the Week] Bullish Breadth Signaling Opportunity In Nifty Autos?

May 30, 2018

Equal-weight indexes are one of the most valuable tools we use here at Allstarcharts. They provide a perspective on the overall strength or weakness of an index's components that's not otherwise seen in the cap-weighted version. The confirmation or divergence signals generated by comparing the two often acts as a leading indicator, letting us know whether the cap-weighted index's move is supported or if we should be on the lookout for a potential reversal.

Below we've created an equal-weight Nifty Auto index in blue, which is constructed by assigning the same weighting to each of its 15 components. We've plotted it against the cap-weighted Nifty Auto index in green.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

Managing Risk: Entry & Exit Points

May 24, 2018

Everyone always wants to talk about how high the stock they just bought is going, or how much money they're going to make on a new position. "JC I think Apple goes to a Trillion Dollar Market Cap!" or "JC Bitcoin is going to $100,000!". These are things I hear frequently, or at least some sort of variation of these comments.

This is perfectly normal behavior. We should not be afraid of it. But more importantly, I think we need to be aware of the implications of these feelings. The thing is, once we are already in a position, our emotions get involved. When our stress levels rise, we act emotionally, rather than logically. This is how we're hard-wired. It would be abnormal for us not to think this way. But again, the important thing is to be conscious of it and not let it dictate our actions.

[India Chart Of The Week] Infrastructure Stocks Signaling Pain Ahead For The Metals Sector?

May 22, 2018

The Financial Services, Energy, IT, and Consumer Goods sectors remain the leaders, while smaller sectors like Pharma and Media continue to lag the broader market. Our chart of the week is sticking with that theme by looking at the Nifty Metals and Nifty Infrastructure indexes, which collectively represent roughly 9% of the Nifty 500. Although these sectors have been consolidating near all-time highs for most of this year, recent developments suggest they may be vulnerable to further downside.

I'm Coming To Mumbai This Week

May 18, 2018

This is such a treat for me. I get to go to India to talk about Technical Analysis with hundreds of really smart and eager to learn investors from all over the country. The biggest investor conference of the year starts on May 24th and I will be the first presentation of the event. The 7th annual Traders Carnival will be Asia's largest 3 day residential conference and I could not be more excited to participate.

I was lucky enough to visit India for the first time this January. I was blown away by the experience. We had about 200 people at an event at Bloomberg in Mumbai where I was the keynote speaker. The enthusiasm for Technical Analysis was amazing. I've never seen anything like it.