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Dow Hits Three-Year Low vs. Gold

April 20, 2024

How's the stock market correction treating you so far?

The Nasdaq100 is only up 1% this year, underperforming a typical year for the market by a long shot.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is flat for 2024.

The Russell2000 Small-cap Index $IWM is still down this year.

Emerging Markets $EEM are down.

Meanwhile Gold is up 15%. Silver is up 20%.

In fact, the Dow/Gold ratio just hit new 3-year lows this week:

The stock market doesn't go straight up, even in bull markets.

Corrections are perfectly normal.

You see, this is how it works:

First breadth leads.

Then the indexes follow.

After that, the journalists blatantly make up reasons for those price movements.

Then the investors who don't know any better believe what they're told.

And once it's too late, they start to make adjustments to their portfolios on the back of the lies they're told by the media.

Then breadth leads.

Then the indexes follow.

Then the journalists do their thing.

And the cycle repeats.

It's just how it works.

Go back and count for yourself. You'll see.

But once you've seen this pattern through enough cycles, you start to learn how to take advantage of it.

It's just human behavior. It's no one's fault.

This is just the way markets work.

So we can either profit from it. Or not. That's completely up to you.

In this environment, buying breakouts in Tech stocks is NOT working.

That was last year.

Commodities are what's working this year.

That's why interest rates keep going up.

Remember how the journalists kept telling you that interest rates were going lower?

They lied to you.

Price was telling you the truth all along. It always does.

And that's what I want to focus on.

This Tuesday at 2PM ET I'm hosting a LIVE Special Gold Rush Event with my Gold Consigliere Ian Culley.

We're going to talk about the best ways to profit from this secular breakout in precious metals.

There are a few ways to do it. But we're going to talk about the best ways!

And it's FREE.

You can sign up here.

See you in there!