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[Video] Mornings With Maria on Fox Business: The Bull Market Continues

April 12, 2023

The morning of Good Friday I popped into Fox Business to chat about markets with Maria Bartiromo.

The last time I was on with her, back in October, we discussed how stocks were still in the early stages of a new bull market.

Now that we've seen the S&P500 rally 15% with the Nasdaq100 up 22%, people are starting to believe.

It's been broad based appreciation in stock prices since that October morning.

Every US Sector is positive and many are up over 20%, just since October alone. The numbers are even better when you anchor back to when the new 52-week lows list peaked in June.

Historically, during bull markets you see more and more stocks going up and making new highs. In bull markets you see more sectors participating to the upside and more countries around the world breaking out.

This is exactly what's been happening for about 10 months now.

All these uptrends you're seeing in most stocks is not a new phenomenon.

And it hasn't slowed down yet either. When it does, we'll be right here talking about it.

Check out the interview in full from last Friday:

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April 7, 2022: Mornings with Maria (Fox Business)