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[Video] Fox Business: Bull Market Rotation

June 4, 2023

Thursday morning I was in New York City chatting with Maria Bartiromo about the ongoing Bull Market in Stocks.

Maria and I have been talking about this topic pretty regularly since she looked at me like I was crazy last October.

A lot has happened since then as both the Nasdaq and S&P500 just closed out back to back months at the highest levels in a year.

The market got the sector rotation it needed as we entered 2023.

And now we're looking for that rotation back into those original leading sectors off the lows last summer.

I believe we already started to see it get going right after we finished up our conversation Thursday morning.

Here's the interview in full:

[Video] Fox Business: New Highs Coming For S&P500?

April 28, 2023

I was in New York City most of the week for the annual CMT Symposium.

On Wednesday afternoon I dropped by Fox Business to chat with Liz Claman about the ongoing bull market that is now on Month #11.

My point in the hit was that a lot of the focus seems to be on these tiny little irrelevant banks disappearing, instead of actual important companies with real market caps.

Just to put things in perspective, First Republic is worth less than a billion dollars. So that and zero may as well be the same thing.

Meanwhile, Microsoft Wednesday was up over $140 Billion in market cap overnight.

So if that's the case, why should anyone care about First Republic?

As long as the market doesn't care, I definitely don't.

Here's the interview in full:

[Video] Mornings With Maria on Fox Business: The Bull Market Continues

April 12, 2023

The morning of Good Friday I popped into Fox Business to chat about markets with Maria Bartiromo.

The last time I was on with her, back in October, we discussed how stocks were still in the early stages of a new bull market.

Now that we've seen the S&P500 rally 15% with the Nasdaq100 up 22%, people are starting to believe.

It's been broad based appreciation in stock prices since that October morning.

Every US Sector is positive and many are up over 20%, just since October alone. The numbers are even better when you anchor back to when the new 52-week lows list peaked in June.

Historically, during bull markets you see more and more stocks going up and making new highs. In bull markets you see more sectors participating to the upside and more countries around the world breaking out.

This is exactly what's been happening for about 10 months now.

All these uptrends you're seeing in most stocks is not a new phenomenon.

Stocks Go Up Regularly In Bull Markets

January 13, 2023

On Tuesday of this week I was in the city for a few meetings, so I dropped by Fox Business to chat with my old pal Liz Claman.

Her and I have been doing this dance together for over a decade.

She's one of the best in the business and we always have a great time.

Liz knows me well by now so there's no gossiping about the Fed with me.

It was all about explaining how we're already entering Month #8 of this ongoing Bull Market for stocks.

[Video] Fox Business w/ Charles Payne: Gold & Stocks Together?

January 6, 2023

It's a new year with new leaders emerging in the market. So what better time to drop in and chat with our friends over on Fox Business about what's going on.

Charles likes my Ratio charts so we took a look at some of those.

But I think the bigger point here is that Gold doesn't have to be this 'End of the world' trade that some make it out to be.

History has proven time and time again that Gold prices can rise, even during bull markets for stocks. And to be clear, Gold prices can also fall along with stocks.

They are not mutually exclusive.

Check out the full clip and let me know what you think!

[Video] BNN Bloomberg: The only thing we can trust is the price of assets

November 10, 2022

In early October I was invited on to BNN Bloomberg where I was very clear in saying just how AGGRESSIVELY we wanted to be buying stocks.

See here: Buying Stocks & Fading Dollars (10-4-22)

That worked out well for us, and anyone else who was smart enough to follow along.

On Wednesday of this week I was invited back on to follow up on some of those comments.

Why was I so bullish?

Why was I ignoring all the noisemakers?

Because I'm a grown adult.

I don't need bedtime stories to go to sleep.

The Fed means nothing to my life. And it shouldn't impact yours either.

Here's what we're doing now:

[Video] Fox Business w/ Charles Payne: The Dollar, Stocks and Risk

September 23, 2022

I was in the city yesterday for a few meetings and dropped by Fox Business to have a little chat with Charles Payne.

Charles is one of the few who let me talk about whatever I want. No agenda. Just price action.

I appreciate that.

It was just a short hit. But we talked about the seasonal tailwinds for stocks, how a stronger Dollar means stocks will remain under pressure, and what Financials and Homebuilders are telling us about the market.

We covered a lot. This fun.

Here's the full clip:

[Video] Fox Business w/ Charles Payne: S&P500, Small-caps, Rates & Bitcoin

August 1, 2022

Last week I jumped on to Fox Business to talk markets with Charles.

He asked me about S&Ps, Russell2000 Small-caps, US 10yr Yield and Bitcoin.

It's funny, I don't think I've ever agreed this much with a TV anchor in my life.

His Technical Analysis was spot on.

So the setups are certainly there. But I think the catalysts are where we focus. And I believe that continues to be the Dollar and Rates.

Here's the full clip:

[Video] Fox Business w/ Charles Payne: Stocks, Gold & Semis

July 8, 2022

We're going on 32 consecutive weeks of more stocks making new lows than new highs.

In bull markets you see the opposite.

Gold has not been in an uptrend in almost 2 years. I think one day it eventually breaks out. But what's the rush?

Let it break out!

I discussed all of this and more with Charles Payne on Fox Business yesterday.

Here's the full clip:

[Video] Fox Business w/ Liz Claman: Where's The Secular Leadership?

May 10, 2022

The selling pressure in stocks and other risk assets continues to persist.

What are we looking for to turn this thing around?

I sat down with Liz Claman yesterday on Fox Business to discuss exactly that.

This one is short and sweet. What are the key levels? Where are we looking for leadership?

If bonds catch a bounce, who will lead out of the hole?