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Merry Christmas. Buy Gold.

December 25, 2022

On Christmas or on any other day of the year, the goal is to sell things at higher prices than where we buy them.

And as great as Stocks have been performing, precious metals have done even better!

That relative strength is something we like to see in assets we own.

Now, when you zoom out in Gold, doesn't this time remind you of that time 20 years ago?

Good things take time.

Some people chose to sit in Gold during this entire consolidation. That must have been terrible.

But for those of you who like to be more opportunistic, and understand that there's a time and a place for everything, the next decade could be the exact opposite of the past one.

For those of you who are new around here, fun fact: I used to be a Gold Bug.

I mean, in the 2000s any good technician was.

All my heroes were Gold bugs. And so was I.

It was something to be proud of, not the shame of the recent past.

So how do I feel now?

I think Gold can go to $5000/oz.

Here's why.

Check it out and then let me know what you think!

Download my Free Gold to $5000 Report

- JC