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Chart of the Day: Buy Bonds?

July 4, 2022

We laid it out 2 weeks ago in our June mid-month conference call.

It was time to buy bonds.

And I think this simple chart really helps illustrate why.

We're looking at the 10yr Breakevens peaking months ago, along with our Equally-weighted Commodities Index also peaking around the same time.

All of this while Rates made one more new high:

Another thing I noticed is that during this last leg higher in rates, is you saw the Nasdaq100 outperform the S&P500.

Seems like something funky is going on.

And I like it.

Make sure to check out the video of our last conference call to get all the details.

And if you missed it, no big deal. Our next Live Conference Call is this Tuesday 6PM ET. Premium Members can register here if you haven't already.

And if you're not a Premium Member, give us a call and the team will get you set up in time for Tuesday: (323) 421-7910

Cant' wait!

Make sure to ping me with any other topics you want me to make sure to cover.

See you then!

- JC