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All Star Charts Research Explained - We Use Technical Analysis To Help Investors Around The World

October 16, 2019

Technical Analysis is the study of the behavior of the market, and therefore its participants. Investors from all over the world come to us for help identifying trends in stocks, bonds, commodities and currency markets. Both Individual investors and Professionals use All Star Charts for trade ideas, global macro analysis, sector rotation work, momentum, relative strength and important price levels for risk management.

When we have to be buying stocks, I'll be there talking about it. When we want to be more conservative and raise cash, I'll be there even louder! I'm fortunate that I'm friends with a lot of the best Technical Analysts in the world. Getting to chat with them regularly makes me a better investor, it keeps me open minded, and most importantly, it keeps me humble.

My friends are really really smart. I don't pretend to be as smart as some of them. My expertise is in bringing it all together and trying to solve the puzzle as best as I can. I'm lucky that I get to do what I love every day.

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