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Technical Analysis Radio Podcast Episode 100 w/ JC Parets & Ralph Acampora

January 31, 2020

I can't believe I'm publishing the 100th Episode of this podcast that I started in the summer of 2017. My first guest ever was Ralph Acampora! I mean, how could it not be right? Since then I've had the privilege of interviewing Portfolio Managers, Traders, Analysts, Best Selling Authors and even a World Series of Poker Champion! People all over the world have approached me how much they've learned from listening to the podcasts. It's been an amazing experience for me all around.

Since it's Episode 100, how can I not invite Ralph back on the show to talk markets? In this episode Ralph describes the recent trip that him and I took to India. We both had an awesome time and are blown away by the interest out there for Technical Analysis. It really is incredible. He thinks we're going to see breakouts in Gold and Silver soon but that's not necessarily bad for stocks. Both can rise together.

I always enjoy my conversations with Ralph. He has great old stories about technicians that we're too young to remember or even know about. He's good with giving credit to some of his predecessors that probably don't get the recognition these days that they deserve. Louise Yamada for example gets a lot of credit for the phrase, "The bigger the base, the higher in space". But she'll tell you that she got that from her boss and mentor Alan Shaw. And Alan will tell you that he learned it from his boss.

So I think it's important to remember the ones who came before us. I would argue that over 95% of what you see me do, say and talk about comes from something I learned from my colleagues and/or predecessors. I didn't make any of this stuff up. The credit goes to all of them and in most cases they have all been guests on this podcast. I want the world to be able to learn from the people that I learned from and continue to learn from every day. Ralph is a great example, obviously!

Here is the episode in full:

  • Dow Theory - Industrials vs Transports
  • US Interest Rates - Long Term
  • Gold - Big Base
  • Silver - Double Bottom

Dow Theory - Industrials vs Transports


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US Interest Rates - Long Term


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Gold - Big Base


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Silver - Double Bottom?


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