We've been in a Bear Market since February of 2021 when stocks peaked. Since then it's been a slow deterioration ultimately hitting almost every sector, with some areas just getting absolutely destroyed.
But just to keep it simple, the bottom line is we're below overhead supply in almost every case. There are exceptions, but I think the S&P500 shows what's really going on for the average and median stock or sector.
When you look at as many charts as I do, you quickly start to notice when certain charts just don't look like most of the others.
Healthcare is one of those.
We discussed it all on this week's Live Conference Call. Premium Members click here to watch and download the slides.
And if you're not a Premium Member yet, just give us a call and we'll set you up: (323) 421-7910
The Healthcare conversation we're having is a really important one. Notice how with S&Ps, Nasdaq and other major indexes breaking down and completing tops, Healthcare has just traded sideways.
The US Dollar Index $DXY is ripping to its highest level in 20 years today.
We just covered this dollar strength and what it means in our Currency Report, which you can read here.
We talk about the implications of a stronger dollar on risk assets, particularly stocks.
While this rally in the dollar is definitely not a good thing for stocks in the US or abroad, we see these intermarket relationships dislocate all the time.
Could stocks and the dollar rally higher together? Sure! Commodities and the dollar have already been doing this for several quarters now...