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TV Appearance on BNN: Bitcoin, Gold & U.S. Stocks!

December 21, 2017

This week I was in New York City working on some really cool things that I'll be announcing next quarter. It has been an incredible year and I think 2018 is going to somehow be even better!  While I was in town, I swung by the Nasdaq Marketsite to chat with my friends over at BNN in Canada. They wanted me to talk about my thoughts on Bitcoin (of course), precious metals and U.S. equities.

It was a quick hit but I think I laid out some really interesting opportunities with very well defined risk parameters. As long as the potential reward is exponentially greater than the risk and the trend is on our side, I see little reason not to be all over these. There have been some very powerful trends in these markets over the past few years that I think continue into 2018.

Here is the video in full:

BNN Appearance: Chart Attack! Be Careful Out There

April 4, 2017

I'm in New York City this week attending a couple of investing conferences so I went by the Nasdaq to chat with Business News Network about the current market environment. I've been consistently bullish since last year with an upside target in the S&P500 near 2335 and that objective was achieved last month. Now we're starting to see the breadth of momentum deteriorating on the most recent highs. The 2.3% level in the U.S. 10-year yield is the big area we're watching. I think the resolution here in rates will tell us a lot about risk appetite for stocks as we enter the second quarter.

Here is the interview in full (requires flash player):

JC Parets on Fox Business: Screaming Buys On Wall Street Right Now

August 26, 2016

This week I dropped by the News Corp building to chat with Liz Claman on Fox Business. Liz simply wanted to know what we want to be buying and what we want to be selling. I think we need to be watching last year's highs in both the S&P500 and Russell3000. If prices are above those levels, it's hard to be bearish. When you ask what will drive price higher, I'm in the camp that mega-cap tech, which represents over 20% of the S&P500, will continue to be a tailwind for markets.

Here is the interview in full:

BNN Appearance: My 3 Favorite U.S. Sectors

August 25, 2016

This morning I was over at the Nasdaq in Times Square chatting with Amber Kanwar on BNN. We discussed why I think U.S. Stocks continue to rally and which key sectors will drive prices higher. Within each of these very important sectors, there are large-cap stocks leading the way for them. I think we're closer to the beginning than the end of this move higher in the S&P500 and these other important sectors. At the end we touch on why extremes in sentiment could be the catalyst to send British Pounds even higher.

Here is the interview in full:

BNN Appearance: It's Not About Being Right, It's About Making Money

April 12, 2016

This week I was over at the Nasdaq in Times Square discussing the current market environment with Frances Horodelski on Canada's Business News Network. The weight of the evidence is suggesting a cautious stance up here after all of our upside targets have been hit in recent weeks. Remember, we've been bullish stocks, globally since late January, and in the U.S. since early February. When our upside objectives are hit, it's time to reevaluate. That's what we're doing now.

BNN Appearance: Sometimes The Risk/Reward Is In Your Favor

February 25, 2016

This week I was running up and down the east coast in meetings and conferences. With some of the free time I had left, I sat down with a few of my favorite financial journalists to rap about the markets. On Monday afternoon I was on Bloomberg TV and Tuesday I was on the Business News Network with Frances Horodelski. I don't have as much time to do TV like I used to in the past, so it was a fun experience for sure.

Here is the BNN interview in full:

Bloomberg TV Appearance: Emerging Markets, Gold Miners & Energy

February 22, 2016

On Monday afternoon I was over at the Bloomberg headquarters in New York City to discuss markets with Joe Weisenthal, Alix Steel and Scarlet Fu. Every time I've been on a guest on this show I've had pretty much nothing but bad news to share as far as the stock market is concerned. In January, all of our downside objectives were achieved and I've really changed my tune. I think this strength we've seen in stocks over the past month continues, particularly the relative strength in emerging markets.

Here is the video in full: