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This Is A Global Stock Market

September 8, 2019

This is not just a Stock Market, this is a "Market of Stocks". And not just Stocks from America, but Stocks all over the world. Stocks don't move up and down because of what is happening in New York or Washington DC. They move based on the supply and demand dynamics for the asset globally. To suggest otherwise is irresponsible.

Let's look around the world, because it's the right the thing to do. And let's see how stocks look globally, rather than be narrow minded into thinking the world revolves around what happens within US borders. 

Weekly Charts Matter

September 7, 2019

Daily charts get a lot of love. I certainly preach the value of monthly charts every 30 days or so. But the weekly charts, ladies in gentlemen....the Weekly Charts, allow us to see through the day-to-day noise, but keeps us within an intermediate-term time horizon. On weekend mornings some people read the newspaper with their coffee. I go through my weekly charts.

Here are a few that stood out in the United States this week:

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[Premium] Why Thursday's Action Was Significant

September 6, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Thursday was an important near-term inflection point for several major asset classes.

This post is going to cover what's moving, why we're taking notice, and what it could mean going forward.

Video: Small-caps and Transports Hold Their Summer Lows

September 6, 2019

In this Episode of Allstarcharts Weekly, Steve and I talk about how important it is for Transports, Small-caps and Micro-caps to hold above their August lows. This is a major risk barometer for sure. The Dow Jones Transportation Avg held its early June lows and so did the Russell2000 Small-caps. As long as that remains the case, we believe the path of least resistance is higher for US equities. As a confirmation, we're looking for Micro-caps to get back above their early summer lows. This period reminds us a lot of what we saw in 2016 right before a historic rally in Stocks around the world!

Multi-decade Breakout? Or Another False Start?

September 4, 2019

Today we're taking a look at an index that often gets ignored. The Value Line Geometric Index is currently flirting with a multi-decade breakout. This is an equally weighted index using a geometric average, so the daily change is closest to the median stock price change. It's a much broader measure of the market vs something like the Dow Jones Industrial Average. 

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The Most Important Monthly Charts In The World

August 31, 2019

It's my favorite exercise each month. There is nothing else I do throughout my entire process that provides as much value as my Monthly Chart Review. Here's what stood out to me this month:

Let's start with Papa Dow. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has gone nowhere for 20 months. Flat for over a year and a half:

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[Premium] Going Shopping In The Retail Sector

August 29, 2019

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Retail ETF XRT is at an interesting level, so in this post we're gonna take a look at its chart and what the internals are suggesting for the sector in the weeks/months ahead.

Checking In On The Underperformers

August 28, 2019

This could be a major top in the US Stock Market. It could be a historic top like 2007 or 1929, maybe even 1987. This is certainly a possible outcome.

Something else to consider is that betting on these outcomes is rarely a profitable endeavor. They make movies about the heroes who bet heavily on the financial collapse of 2008 and made fortunes. We talk about these fund managers like legends. What they don't make movies about are the infinite number of investors over the years who have bet on such outcomes, and were wrong instead. I guess Hollywood doesn't think those stories will sell.

I understand the bearish thesis for US Stocks. In fact, we always take the other side of our opinions and try to poke wholes in a given theme. We've been in the camp that since most stocks have gone down to sideways over the past 19 months, this is a classic cyclical bear market. It has gone on through both price and time, not just one of the two. I don't care how you slice it, this was a bear market, and possibly still is.