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All Star Charts Premium

International Hall Of Famers (10-15-2021)

October 15, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Our International Hall Of Famers list is composed of the 50 largest US-listed international stocks, or ADRs.

These stocks range from some well-known mega-cap multinationals such as Toyota Motor and Royal Dutch Shell to some large-cap global disruptors such as Sea Ltd and Shopify.

It’s got all the big names and more -- but only those that are based outside the US. You can find all the big US names on our original Hall Of Famers list.

The beauty of these scans is really in their simplicity.

We take the 50 largest names each week and then apply technical filters in a way that the strongest stocks with the most momentum rise to the top.

Let’s dive in and take a look at what some of the largest stocks around the world are doing.

Here’s this week’s list:

All Star Charts Premium, 2 to 100 Club

2 to 100 Club (10-13-2021)

October 13, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Welcome to the 2 to 100 Club.

As many of you know, something we’ve been working on internally is using various bottom-up tools and scans to complement our top-down approach. It’s really been working for us!

One way we’re doing this is by identifying the strongest growth stocks as they climb the market-cap ladder from small- to mid- to large- and, ultimately, to mega-cap status (over $200B).

Once they graduate from small-cap to mid-cap status (over $2B), they come on our radar. Likewise, when they surpass the roughly $30B mark, they roll off our list.

All Star Charts Premium

Young Aristocrats (October 2021)

October 13, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Dividend Aristocrats are easily some of the most desirable investments on Wall Street. These are the names that have increased dividends for at least 25 years, providing steadily increasing income to long-term-minded shareholders.

As you can imagine, the companies making up this prestigious list are some of the most recognizable brands in the world. Coca-Cola, Walmart, and Johnson & Johnson are just a few of the household names making the cut.

Here at All Star Charts, we like to stay ahead of the curve. That’s why we’re turning our attention to the future aristocrats. In an effort to seek out the next generation of the cream-of-the-crop dividend plays, we’re curating a list of stocks that have raised their payouts every year for five to nine years.

We call them the Young Aristocrats, and the idea is that these are “stocks that pay you to make money.” Imagine if years of consistent dividend growth and high momentum & relative strength had a baby, leaving you with the best of the emerging dividend giants that are outperforming the averages.

The Tata Group Universe

October 13, 2021

What's the one thing that's on everyone's mind today? What has caught your attention today? Or rather, what has demanded your attention today?

The Tata Group of course! Such a move hasn't come along in this group in the longest time. A post dedicated to this group is definitely the need of the hour.

The Tata Group is synonymous with Trust, Integrity, and Loyalty. There is a certain feel-good factor added to the group based on the people at the helm and their activities. While there is a place for everything, once you look at price action, nothing else matters.

That's the beauty of Technical Analysis I guess. It encompasses all possible pieces of information and presents to you a price level that reflects everything. Quite powerful, when you really think about it.

So here we are today, taking a look at a reputable conglomerate that has been making money for investors for years together!

Since there are so many constituents in this group, I don't think it qualifies to be a Solar System. I feel it's a whole Universe by itself.

So what do we like in this universe at the moment?

Let's take a look, shall we?

The All Star Momentum Scan

October 13, 2021

We debuted a new scan recently which goes by the name- All Star Momentum.

All Star Momentum is a brand new scan that pinpoints the very best stocks in the market. This time around, we have incorporated our stock universe of Nifty 500 as the base. Among the 500 stocks that we follow, this scan will pump out names that are most likely to generate great returns.

While we go through our lists of sectors and stocks on a weekly basis, we thought of launching a product that would highlight the names that are the strongest performers in our universe and those that are primed for an explosive move.

Just like The Outperformers scan, this is a list of stocks belonging to the sectors that display relative strength in the market at any given point in time. Since sector rotation is the lifeblood of a bull market, we will be ahead of the curve before the gears keep shifting.

All Star Charts Premium

Energy Economies Are the International Leaders

October 12, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Crude oil is at its highest level since 2014 after it took out resistance around 76. 

Energy stocks just ripped off of support and are back above a key level of resistance, trading at highs not seen since early 2020.

Economically sensitive commodities and cyclical stocks, in general, remain very well bid. 

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is hung up on narratives surrounding stagflation and the possibility of a global recession. But we’re just not seeing this at all when we look at price. 

Risk assets are performing as well as they have all year. And, when we look outside the US, while there’s definitely been selling pressure around the world, the areas that stick out all seem to have something in common.

The energy-dependent countries are showing leadership. 

This supports the recent price action from energy futures and stocks, many of which have been ripping to fresh highs.

In today’s post, we'll take a look at some international equities we can use to express a bullish thesis on higher oil prices -- and higher prices for risk assets more broadly.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Q4 2021 Playbook

October 12, 2021

This is our ASC Research Q4 2021 Playbook.

With the current market environment giving us many mixed messages, what better time to dive in and see what's happening underneath the surface?

  • Stocks (International & U.S.)
  • U.S. Sectors & Industries
  • Market Breadth & Sentiment
  • Commodities
  • Currencies
  • Intermarket Analysis
  • Crypto Currencies
  • New Trade Ideas
  • Overall Strategy

Only 1/3 of Investors Are Bullish Stocks

October 12, 2021

A big concern for stocks this summer was that there weren't any bears left.

Most of the silly permabears had given up and moved on to torture investors in other asset classes like Bitcoin or Gold.

Sentiment this summer was a headwind.

And now it's the opposite. Sentiment is a tailwind for stocks.

Take a look at the sentiment from Financial Advisors and Individual investors. Just a few months back, we saw the most amount of bulls since January 2018, just before stocks all over the world plummeted.

All it took was half the nasdaq stocks dropping 20% for sentiment to mean revert. Take a look at this chart showing that we're down to levels where bulls historically start showing up, and that's usually because of an increase in stock prices:

All Star Charts Premium

Follow The Flow (10-11-2021)

October 11, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @sstrazza

This is one of our favorite bottom-up scans: Follow The Flow. In this note, we simply create a universe of stocks that experienced the most unusual options activity — either bullish or bearish… but NOT both.

We utilize options experts, both internally and through our partnership with The TradeXchange. Then, we dig through the level 2 details and do all the work upfront for our clients. Our goal is to isolate only those options market splashes that represent levered and high-conviction, directional bets.

We also weed out hedging activity and ensure there are no offsetting trades that either neutralize or cap the risk on these unusual options trades. What remains is a list of stocks that large financial institutions are putting big money behind… and they’re doing so for one reason only: because they think the stock is about to move in their direction and make them a pretty penny.

All Star Charts Premium

The Minor Leaguers (10-11-2021)

October 11, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Welcome to our latest “Minor Leaguers” report.

We’ve already had some great trades come out of this small-cap-focused column since we launched it late last year and started rotating it with our flagship bottom-up scan, “Under The Hood.”

We recently decided to expand our universe to include some mid-caps…

For about a year now, we’ve focused only on Russell 2000 stocks with a market cap between $1 and $2B. That was fun, but we think it’s time we branch out a bit and allow some new stocks to find their way onto our list.

The way we’re doing this is simple…

[Premium] Trade Of The Week

October 10, 2021

This week we’re looking at a long setup in the Auto sector. We're seeing strength come through in the Auto segment and thought of taking a look at a stock that's ripe for a bullish move.

Let's take a look at this stock.

Multiple Timeframes vs Planets & Stars

October 10, 2021

One of the first things you learn in Technical Analysis is that markets are fractal.

That means that you'll find the same human behaviors (i.e. price patterns) whether you're looking at daily timeframes, weekly time frames or even intraday (e.g. 10-min or 30-min candles).

This is a concept that Brian Shannon has done an amazing job of highlighting throughout his career. Brian has been an inspiration to me since about 2005, which is pretty unbelievable to think about. Since then we've become friends and go skiing together and all that. It's pretty cool how life works sometimes.

Anyway, the idea behind "Multiple Timeframes", which is literally part of the title of Brian's book (go buy it), is to use this reality of "markets being fractal" to our advantage.

That can mean a lot of different things to different people.

For us, in what we do here at All Star Charts is, we start with Weekly and Monthly time horizons. That's where it all begins.