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Are You Ready To Rotate Into Cyclicals?

August 4, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

It’s commodities over bonds.

In fact, we’re now in an everything-over-bonds environment as rates continue to rise. 

Looking for an uptrend?

Just place US Treasury bonds or the Japanese yen in the denominator, and voila!  

I consider the commodity-versus-bonds ratio one of if not the most important high-level intermarket ratio in our deck.

Why? Because it reveals the inflationary backdrop that colors the entire market,  determining secular leadership between asset classes and US stocks. 

And it’s hinting at the next trend in relative strength…

Check out the commodity-versus-bond ratio, as measured by the relationship between the CRB Index and 30-year Treasury bond futures:

All Star Charts Premium

Junior Hall of Famers (08-03-2023)

August 3, 2023

From the Desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza and Alfonso Depablos @AlfCharts

We love our bottoms-up scans here at All Star Charts. We tend to get really creative when making new universes as we want to be sure they will deliver us the best opportunities the market has to offer.

However, when it comes to our latest project, it couldn't be any simpler!

With the goal of finding more bullish setups, we have decided to expand one of our favorite scans and broaden our regular coverage of the largest US stocks.

Welcome to The Junior Hall of Famers.

This scan is composed of the next 150 largest stocks by market cap, those that come after the top 150 and are thus covered by the Hall of Famers universe. Many of these names will someday graduate and join our original Hall Of Famers list. The idea here is to catch these big trends as early on as possible.

There is no need to overcomplicate things. Market cap is a quality filter at the end of the day. It only grows if price is rising. That's good enough for us.

All Star Charts Premium

Will Rising Rates Lead to a Stock Market Bloodbath?

August 3, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Rates are on the move again.

The US 30-year Treasury yield $TYX cleared numerous hurdles this week. 

It broke above a shelf of former highs, climbing to its highest level year-to-date. And, perhaps more importantly, it reclaimed its former 2014 high.

Add a potential failed breakdown in the US dollar index $DXY, and it’s starting to feel a lot like 2022.

But should we expect another bloodbath?

…Not necessarily.

Here’s a quick look at the US 30-year yield resolving higher from an 8-month consolidation:

All Star Charts Premium, 2 to 100 Club

2 to 100 Club (08-02-2023)

August 2, 2023

From the Desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Welcome to The 2 to 100 Club.

As many of you know, something we've been working on internally is using various bottom-up tools and scans to complement our top-down approach.

It's really been working for us!

One way we're doing this is by identifying the strongest growth stocks as they climb the market-cap ladder from small- to mid- to large- and, ultimately, to mega-cap status (over $200B).

Once they graduate from small-cap to mid-cap status (over $2B), they come on our radar. Likewise, when they surpass the roughly $30B mark, they roll off our list.

But the scan doesn't just end there.

We only want to look at the strongest growth industries in the market, as that is typically where these potential 50-baggers come from.

All Star Charts Premium

The Dollar Slows Its Roll

August 1, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Time seems to move faster during bull markets.

I have my theories, and they all revolve around having fun.

One thing is certain: The month of July is now behind us. 

I can’t believe we’re more than halfway through the year and a month into Q3!

Since it’s August 1, let’s keep the good time rolling by reviewing the most important monthly chart in the deck…

It's the US Dollar Index $DXY.

The US dollar acted as a Chief Headwind for Global Risk Assets last year, with a little help from the Fed.

All eyes are fixated on King Dollar as it straddles an area of former-resistance-turned-support:

All Star Charts Premium

The Minor Leaguers (07-31-2023)

August 1, 2023

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Welcome to our latest Minor Leaguers report.

We've had some great trades come out of this small-cap-focused column since we launched it back in 2020 and started rotating it with our flagship bottom-up scan, Under the Hood.

For the first year or so, we focused only on Russell 2000 stocks with a market cap between $1 and $2B.

That was fun, but we wanted to branch out a bit and allow some new stocks to find their way onto our list.

We expanded our universe to include some mid-caps.

To make the cut for our Minor Leaguers list, a company must have a market cap between $1 and $4B.

All Star Charts Premium, All Star Charts Gold Rush

Precious Metals: Trash or Treasure?

July 31, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

I find the general distaste for precious metals amusing.

It cracked me up when a close friend referred to gold as “hot garbage” at the start of the year. The Nasdaq 100 was trading almost 36% off its 2021 zenith. And gold was within striking distance of its former all-time highs.

Yet gold was trash in this investor’s eyes.

That’s information.

Information that got me thinking about a rally in precious metals…

All Star Charts Premium

The Hall of Famers (07-28-2023)

July 28, 2023

From the Desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza and Alfonso Depablos @AlfCharts

Our Hall of Famers list is composed of the 150 largest US-based stocks.

These stocks range from the mega-cap growth behemoths like Apple and Microsoft – with market caps in excess of $2T – to some of the new-age large-cap disruptors such as Moderna, Square, and Snap.

It has all the big names and more.

It doesn’t include ADRs or any stock not domiciled in the US. But don’t worry; we developed a separate universe for that. Click here to check it out.

The Hall of Famers is simple.

We take our list of 150 names and then apply our technical filters so the strongest stocks with the most momentum rise to the top.

Let’s dive right in and check out what these big boys are up to.

Here’s this week’s list:

All Star Charts Premium

Seven Energy Names You Need To Know

July 28, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

I started at the top last week, laying out my bullish energy thesis with five charts.

Energy commodities are reclaiming critical levels. They’re outperforming their alternatives. And buyers continue to support a healthy demand for crude oil distillates.

What’s not to like?

Today, I’m drilling down to individual stocks, highlighting five trade setups I didn’t cover in last Wednesday’s What the FICC episode

And these stocks look ready to rip!

First up is oil services. I like this group of stocks because the oil services ETFs $OIH and $XES are the strongest among industry groups.

Here’s Schlumberger LTD. $SLB, the $81B behemoth:

All Star Charts Premium

Investors Peg the Fed

July 27, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

FOMC meeting?

No worry, beef curry!

The markets barely flinched after the Fed raised interest rates – again. 

Honestly, I didn’t tune in to the press conference. I prefer to focus on the tape.

So you won’t get a rundown of Jerome Powell’s forward guidance, or lack thereof, from me.

I can only relay the information provided by the market.  

Obviously, the rising-rate environment remains intact amid sustained inflationary pressures – “higher for longer.”

We can all agree on that.

The true value from Wednesday’s events resides beneath the headlines…

Investors are adjusting to a new rising-rate regime as they accept the unavoidable: inflation.

The US 10-year breakeven inflation rate is shaping up as a potential “not a top” formation:

All Star Charts Premium

Junior International Hall of Famers (07-27-2023)

July 27, 2023

From the Desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza and Alfonso Depablos @AlfCharts

Welcome to The Junior International Hall of Famers.

With the goal of finding more bullish setups, we have decided to expand one of our favorite scans and broaden our regular coverage of the largest US-listed international stocks, or ADRs.

This scan is composed of the next 100 largest stocks by market cap, those that come after the top 100 and are thus covered by the International Hall of Famers universe.

Many of these names will someday graduate and join our original International Hall Of Famers list. The idea here is to catch these big trends as early on as possible.

Let’s dive right in and check out what these future big boys are up to.

This is our Junior International Hall of Famers list:

All Star Charts Premium

The Short Report (07-26-2023)

July 26, 2023

From the Desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

When investing in the stock market, we always want to approach it as "a market of stocks."

Regardless of the environment, there are always stocks showing leadership and trending higher.

We may have to look harder to identify them depending on current market conditions. But there are always stocks that are going up.

The same can be said for weak stocks. Regardless of the environment, there are always stocks that are going down, too. 

We already have multiple scans focusing on stocks making all-time highs, such as Hall of Famers, Minor Leaguers, and the 2 to 100 Club.

We filter these universes for stocks that are exhibiting the best momentum and relative strength characteristics. 

Clearly, we spend a lot of time identifying and writing about leading stocks every week, via multiple reports.

Now, we're also highlighting lagging stocks on a recurring basis.

Welcome to the Short Report.