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All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] What I'm Watching Most In US Stocks Right Now

September 29, 2016

We take a weight of the evidence approach here at All Star Charts. There is no one data point that will suggest buying is more advantageous than selling, or vice versa. In addition, the process of collecting and reviewing that data, to me, is really the most important thing I do. There are no short cuts in this business. You have to put in the work and I share the results of that homework with you daily so you don't have to.

Today I want to point you to a chart that I've kept for a while, but have never really shared because I don't want to overwhelm you with too much data. But since we're at a critical point, I think it's worth adding to the Chartbook this week:

[Premium] Why Transportation Stocks Will Continue To Outperform

August 24, 2016

We want to look at the broad market and treat every single stock market index as a tiny piece of a much bigger puzzle. The Dow Jones Transportation Average has been a great leading indicator for stocks as an asset class over the past few years and we continue to want to treat it that way. Remember, the Transports peaked at the end of 2014, 6 months before the S&P500 and this year the Dow Transports bottomed out in January, well before the S&P500 and the other major indexes bottomed out in February. So now what?

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Members-Only Conference Call Wednesday August 17 at 7PM ET

August 15, 2016

Every month I host a conference call for All Star Charts Members where we discuss ongoing themes throughout the global marketplace as well as changes in trends where new positions would be most appropriate. This includes U.S. Stocks & Sectors, International Stock Indexes, Commodities, Currencies and Interest Rate Markets. We have been bullish towards both U.S. and International stocks since early July and are seeing money rotate into new sectors and countries showing leadership. We will be discussing this in detail Wednesday.

We will also be focusing particular attention on precious metals: gold and silver. I think we've seen enough evidence to suggest there is a major trend in place and will discuss ways to profit from it in the coming months.

This month's Conference Call will be held on Wednesday August 17, 2016 at 7PM ET. Here are the Registration Details: