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Take Care of Your Business

December 6, 2021

Investing is hard.

If it was easy, then everyone would be good at it.

It takes discipline. It takes overcoming human emotions. It takes consistency and mental toughness.

Sorry to tell you, but chances are you don't have any of those, yet alone all of them.

All Star Charts Premium

RPP Report: Review. Preview. Profit. (11-25-2021)

November 25, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @sstrazza 

Welcome to our latest RPP Report, where we publish return tables for various asset classes and categories, along with commentary on each.

Looking at the past helps put the future into context. In this post, we review the absolute and relative trends at play and preview some of the things we’re watching to profit in the weeks and months ahead.

We consider this our state of the union address, as we break down and reiterate both our tactical and structural outlook on various asset classes. Our ultimate goal is to discuss the most important themes and developments that are currently playing out in markets around the world.

There's been plenty of action these past few weeks. Let's kick things off with stocks and try to make sense of what we're seeing.

Here's our US equities table:

The Bulls Are Scoring More Points

October 9, 2021

One thing unique about the market is that the game is never over. There aren't four 15-min quarters or two 20-min halves like in sports.

In those endeavors there is a beginning and an end.

You know who won (or who tied in some cases). But the match is over, and there will be another one in a few days or a few months, depending on the sport.

In the market, it never ends. This can cause issues psychologically, so it's something we should all be aware of and keep in mind.

But if you ask me, currently the bulls are scoring a lot more points. This is the first time we've seen that since Q1 this year, when the bears started running up the score.

Look at the S&P500 break out to new all-time highs relative to US Treasury Bonds.

All Star Charts Premium

RPP Report: Review. Preview. Profit. (09-16-2021)

September 16, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @sstrazza 

Welcome to our latest RPP Report, where we publish return tables for various asset classes and categories, along with commentary on each.

Looking at the past helps put the future into context. In this post, we review the absolute and relative trends at play and preview some of the things we’re watching to profit in the weeks and months ahead.

We consider this our weekly state of the union address, as we break down and reiterate both our tactical and structural outlook on various asset classes and discuss the most important themes and developments currently playing out in markets all around the world.

In our RPP Report from the end of August, we discussed how the weakest areas were registering failed breakdowns and digging in at support.

Bulls Take Lead Late In The 3rd

September 7, 2021

As the third quarter winds to a close, the bulls just took the lead for the first time since early in the 1st half.

Everything is clicking for them and they're in control of the game right now. While it's been a nice comeback, it's still just 52 to 48, so they have plenty of work to do.

I'm not talking about basketball. Not the Chicago bulls. I'm referring to stock market bulls and the current score on our risk checklist.

It's currently at its highest reading since we started publishing it back in June, so we'd be remiss not to write about it.

It's been a great roadmap for us in recent months so let's have a quick look at what it's saying now as well as some of the more recent developments that have taken place.

All Star Charts Premium

RPP Report: Review. Preview. Profit. (Monthly Chart Edition)

September 2, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @sstrazza and Louis Sykes @haumicharts

Welcome to our latest RPP Report, where we publish return tables for various asset classes and categories, along with commentary on each.

Looking at the past helps put the future into context. In this post, we review the absolute and relative trends at play and preview some of the things we’re watching to profit in the weeks and months ahead.

We consider this our weekly state of the union address as we break down and reiterate both our tactical and structural outlook on various asset classes and discuss the most important themes and developments currently playing out in markets all around the world.

In our last report, we discussed all the whipsaws we had been witnessing in recent weeks and noted that the next major piece of information would be the velocity of the reactions these charts made in the opposite direction.

Which Books Should I Read To Learn More About Technical Analysis?

August 29, 2021

This is one I get asked about all the time.

"JC, are there any books you recommend for someone trying to learn more about Technical Analysis?"

The answer is yes. Of course.

The thing is, back in the day when I was studying for my CMT exams, there wasn't a well-defined curriculum like there is today. This was back in 2006. They would just give us a list of books to read and wish us the best of luck!

I really enjoyed that, actually. To this day I still tell people to go through the curriculum like they ask you to, but then go back and read the books too!

Now, if I had to do it all over again today, this is what I would do:

All Star Charts Premium

RPP Report: Review. Preview. Profit. (08-24-2021)

August 24, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @sstrazza

Welcome to our latest RPP Report, where we publish return tables for various asset classes and categories, along with commentary on each.

Looking at the past helps put the future into context. In this post, we review the absolute and relative trends at play and preview some of the things we’re watching to profit in the weeks and months ahead.

We consider this our weekly state of the union address as we break down and reiterate both our tactical and structural outlook on various asset classes and discuss the most important themes and developments currently playing out in markets all around the world.

In our last report, we pounded the table on our position that markets are a total mess these days. Another theme we hit on was how many significant risk assets were trading at or below critical levels of overhead supply.

All Star Charts Premium

Financials In Focus

August 13, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Financials have made quite the comeback in recent weeks, with the Large-Cap Financial SPDR $XLF trading back to record highs as bank stocks around the world have fought to repair some of the damage endured during Q2.

We even saw regional banks break back above a major level of interest last week. The importance of this can't be overstated.

But that's just the US. What are financials doing in the rest of the world? Are they confirming this strength we're seeing from the US?

In this post, we’ll provide an in-depth rundown of what’s going on with this critically important sector--not just in the US, but around the globe.

Let’s kick things off with last week’s mystery chart. As always, thanks to everyone who participated.

We asked whether the recent highs were a false start or a failed breakout. The answers were skewed in favor of the bulls, as most of you said it was merely a retest of the previous highs. And it looks like you were right!

Here it is... the S&P Global Financials Index $IXG:

All Star Charts Premium

RPP Report: Review. Preview. Profit. (08-11-2021)

August 11, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @sstrazza

Welcome to our latest RPP Report, where we publish return tables for a variety of different asset classes and categories along with commentary on each.

Looking at the past helps put the future into context. In this post, we review the absolute and relative trends at play and preview some of the things we’re watching to profit in the weeks and months ahead.

We consider this our weekly state of the union address as we break down and reiterate both our tactical and structural outlook on various asset classes and discuss the most important themes and developments currently playing out in markets all around the world.