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All Star Charts Crypto

Targets Hit, Now What?

February 7, 2023

They teach you this stuff at technical analysis kindergarten.

Buy support.

Sell resistance.

Of course, in the real world, with our primitive monkey brains, implementing this into a trading system is easier said than done. Just take a look at the squeeze you're seeing in real-time in all these beaten-up growth stocks.

The permabears started shorting these names in droves when they'd already slumped into 90% drawdowns.

Talk about a reckless strategy...

When we look at the most heavily shorted stocks, Coinbase stands out with a short interest of almost 30%. With clear levels and a favorable risk/reward, we leaned on COIN as a vehicle to profit from the short squeezes taking place in recent weeks. We're seeing them all over.

Seriously, go through some of these charts.

Carvana, Tesla, and AI are all great examples -- these moves are no joke. Bed, Bath & Beyond was up over 90% yesterday!

This isn't 2022.

All Star Charts Crypto

Waiting for the Perfect Setup

February 6, 2023

Over the last week, we've seen some mild profit-taking, with Bitcoin and Ethereum chopping around following retests of critical resistance levels.

Our thesis remains that a structural shift has occurred, with the short- and intermediate-term trends now higher.



Emerging Relative Strength in Altcoins

February 2, 2023

Excluding price action itself, relative strength has to be the most underappreciated indicator.

It's impossible to outperform if you own assets exhibiting relative weakness.

If a stock is underperforming, there's a reason why. It's not until months after the fact do investors discover the "fundamental" drivers anchoring that stock.

The same can be said for when a stock is outperforming.

Look at it like holding a beach ball underwater. You can feel the pressure on your arms, and when that pressure is released, the ball explodes into the air.

Think about the selling pressure in the market: When the selling pressure alleviates, the stocks showing relative strength tend to be the first ones that shoot higher.

These principles are universal across every market.

Personality and Trading

February 1, 2023

Every investor is different.

We have different time horizons, objectives, goals, and appetites for risk.

It's for this reason that the endeavor of trading is often a lonely one; you're forced into fine-tuning what works best for your needs.

What works for me isn't going to work for you.

This is self evidently true.

It seems to me that one of the overlooked elements of this discussion is the variability of human personality.

This is something I've been pondering as of late, so I thought I'd lay bare my potential fallacious thoughts to see if we can strive closer to some answers.

All Star Charts Crypto

Hitting Supply

January 31, 2023

This is it.

When people ask us what's been happening in the world of crypto, this is the chart we show them.

Bitcoin -- and crypto more generally -- has been a big nothingburger for over a year. Especially with Bitcoin trading below its prior cycle highs, there was absolutely nothing to be done in this asset class.

But that all changed a few weeks ago.


All Star Charts Crypto

Buy the Dips

January 30, 2023

Another positive week -- add it to the growing tally!

This is the first time Bitcoin's been up for four consecutive weeks since August 2021. Similarly, Bitcoin's 14-day RSI eclipsed its highest level going back more than two years.

We have a name for this price action...

Momentum thrusts.

We see them all the time in the beginning stages of new trends.

There's no denying that this move has been impressive. In fact, we'd even argue that it represents a structural shift in this market.

But where do we go from here?

Let's dive into this week's letter.




Embracing Heuristics

January 26, 2023

From the Desk of Louis Sykes @haumicharts

One of the most remarkable philosophical pieces of all time is Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave." It's commonly applied in various ways in today's society, making it one of the most significant analogies to come out of the field.

The story follows a group of people chained underground as prisoners, only knowing the wall in front of them and nothing else.

Behind them is a fire, and between the prisoners and the fire is a walkway. As people move on the walkway, the prisoners see the shadows cast on the wall.

All Star Charts Crypto

Keep an Eye on This Crypto

January 25, 2023

I hear ya.

You don't want boring words.

You want trade ideas!

We know we haven't published many over the last year. But this has been a purposeful decision.

Think about what's happened. People who forced old strategies in this bear market were culled.

This environment has been the polar opposite to the Solana summer. You can't buy random shitcoin breakouts and multi-bag trades within a few days.

It just hasn't been that kind of market.

But this is potentially changing.




"This Rally Is Manipulated"

January 24, 2023

From the Desk of Louis Sykes @haumicharts

I have to get this off my chest.

Wherever I look on Twitter, people are complaining about this rally.

They say it's manipulated.

They say it's all a conspiracy driven by Binance to get suckers to buy in before pulling the rug.

What's hilarious is that those same people were tilted when Alameda was around, arguing that they were manipulating the market.

Now Alameda's gone, they're looking for another scapegoat.

"My stops got hit, must've been Alameda."


There isn't some random conspiracy entity chasing your stops.

You're just a shit trader.

All Star Charts Crypto

Assessing Crypto's Momentum

January 23, 2023

There's a high degree of momentum driving the market.

Last week, we saw a continuation of this bullish action, with Bitcoin and altcoins taking out local resistance levels.

This comes as little surprise, considering the trends are now unequivocally higher.