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All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Marijuana Stocks

October 17, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Marijuana stocks have never been that HIGH on our list of areas to look at given their smaller market-cap, average trading volume, and short price history often inhibits larger players from participating in them, however, the strong performance as of late has drum up interest in the space and increased the number of stocks that meet our criteria to analyze them. This post will be a quick update on what we're seeing from a price perspective.

Podcast: Panel Discussion At Traders4ACause 2018

October 16, 2018

This past weekend was the 5th annual Traders4ACause Conference in Las Vegas. It was a lot of fun and a bunch of us helped raise money for a list of great causes. On Saturday I gave a presentation about what I'm currently seeing in the markets, including Stocks, Bonds and Currencies. Sunday I sat on a panel with Joe Fahmy and Paul Singh and we just chatted about the markets, what we're seeing out there and shared some stories about the things we've learned over the years. We recorded the conversation so here it is in full. I encourage everyone to check out the Traders4ACause site and donate even if you could not attend. I hope you enjoy our discussion!

Global Equity ETFs vs Local Currency Indexes

October 16, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

This past weekend we wrote updates for our US and India subscribers, discussing stock market breadth around the globe. When I do these types of updates, we often get asked why we look at international markets both in their local currency terms AND as US-listed ETFs. Why not one or the other? In this quick post we'll walk through our thought process behind it.

[Premium] India Long Setups

October 15, 2018

In addition to the updates we've done about the broader market herehere, here, and here, a lot of you have been emailing us asking for more individual trade ideas. Given that we have to be a lot more selective in this environment, I'm going to use this post to outline a number of setups on the long side. The posts linked above explain why we have a long bias.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Global & US Sector Breadth Update

October 14, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

In July I looked at the trend and momentum readings of stock markets around the world and US Sectors and Sub-Sectors to identify the overall risk appetite for Equities. Today's update will perform the same exercise and compare the results to determine if breadth has improved, deteriorated, or stayed the same, as well as what the implications of these changes are.

[Premium] Global & India Sector Breadth Update

October 14, 2018

In July I looked at the trend and momentum readings of stock markets around the world and India's Sectors to identify the overall risk appetite for Equities. Today's update will perform the same exercise and compare the results to determine if breadth has improved, deteriorated, or stayed the same, as well as what the implications of these changes are.

Canadian Chartbook Review

October 14, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

A major part of the thesis for higher prices in Canada was the breakout in Financials (and REITS) which represent roughly a third of the TSX Composite, however, over the last few weeks we've seen failed breakouts in many of these leading stocks.

In this post I'll highlight some charts identified during my Chartbook update that describe the type of environment we're in for Canadian stocks and why a more neutral stance appears appropriate. Given the correlation between equity markets around the world, I'd also encourage you to read some of our other free pieces about the US hereherehere, and here.

Investor's Business Daily 50 Review

October 13, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

After last week's move to the downside I figured there would be a lot of changes to the IBD 50, and there were, so I want to highlight the characteristics of some names that continue to hold up well.

What Does A Bearish JC Look Like?

October 12, 2018

Some of you guys have been reading my work for over a decade. But I understand there are many newer readers, so I think it's important to address what's going on here. I've been called a Permabull many times for over 2 years now, meaning that they believed I just always had a bullish bias towards stocks. The truth is that while so many were eager to pick a top during this entire rally, I was consistently bullish because the weight of the evidence pointed that way. This is no longer the case and our approach has had to adapt over the past week to a new environment.

We're fortunate to have been accurate with our risk levels. As soon as Small-caps broke 169, things got bad. There was no reason to be in them for us if we were below that in $IWM. Large-caps broke our levels early this week and things got progressively worse after our prices were breached. That is why we set them. That's the good news. The bad news is that I'm confident this is just the beginning.

No, I Don't Think This Is The End Of The World

October 11, 2018

Is this 2008 all over again? 1987? 1929? I doubt it.

We're not seeing any stress in credit, which is where the real problems start. In fact, some stocks and sectors are going up while others are going down. We've seen relative strength in Energy, Utilities and Consumer Staples. Remember, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a new all-time high just last week. It's easy to forget right?

So what's the problem? The problem is that we have failed breakouts in all of the major U.S. Indexes, and at the very least, it is going to take some time to resolve. The questions are: How long? and How low could we go?