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All Star Options

[Options Premium] Go Where the Money Is

May 14, 2021

Reporter: "Why do you rob banks?"

Willie Sutton: "Because that's where the money is."

True 'nuff. And the same could probably be said of insurance companies, no?

With this in mind, we've got a mid-cap dividend paying insurance company with a beautiful trend thats looking like it wants more.

[Options] Selling Some Elevated Premium

May 12, 2021

Welcome back volatility.

Three days off the highs for the S&P 500 and twitter traders are acting like the sky is falling. And maybe it is? But at times like these, I like to look for opportunities to fade what often prove to be short-lived spikes in volatility.

And the best way I know how to do this is to look at sector ETFs and observe the ones displaying the highest relative implied volatilities.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Make Citizenship Pay

May 10, 2021

The latest Young Aristocrats report dropped on Friday last week. If you love dividends combined with momentum (who wouldn't?), then this report is always a must read.

Banks of all sizes have been a bright spot for us lately as we're currently enjoying gains in Morgan Stanley $MS and the Regional Banks ETF $KRE.

Well, this week's YA report highlighted a couple more banks with attractive setups and one in particular looks like a great setup to play with straight long call options.


All Star Options

[Options Premium] Can a Longtime Laggard Become a Leader?

May 7, 2021

Fortunes change. We've seen it time and time again, where once-prominent companies -- even entire industries -- fade away to shadows of their former selves or worse -- fade to oblivion. To the trash heap of has-beens.

But, occasionally we see these companies then reinvent themselves and rise like a Phoenix from the ashes.

We're eyeing one such opportunity.


All Star Options

[Options Premium] Space Trip

May 3, 2021

SpaceX has made it cool to talk and dream about Space again. I'm sure many of you, like me, had dreams of being an Astronaut and walking on the moon when you were growing up.

Now that I've grown up, I dream of stocks going on rocket ship rides to the moon. Same difference ;)

Gold: An Alternate View

April 30, 2021

It's been well documented that Gold is the biggest loser of the Commodity space. Every single commodity is doing well in this environment except for Gold.

Perhaps this proves what many people have been telling me my whole career, "Gold is a currency JC, not a commodity!"

And maybe that's true. Who am I to judge?

But if you do consider it a currency, it's still one of the ones no wants this year:

Structural vs Tactical

April 29, 2021

I have a confession to make.

You always hear me talking about how we shouldn't look at Monthly Candlesticks (or any candlestick) until it's completed.

In other words, don't draw conclusions about Weekly candlesticks on Tuesday. Don't make decisions based on Daily candlesticks at 10:30AM. And most certainly do not dissect a monthly candlestick early in the month.

BUT, I have a wedding to go to tomorrow and leaving the house around 2 o'clock, a couple hours before markets close for the month of April.

You no there's no way I can wait until I get back on Sunday to take a peek. Let's be serious. It's like Christmas for me every month when I get to unwrap all the new monthly charts.

I had to look!

I broke my own rule. I couldn't help myself.

But since I did, you know what I noticed?

Anything Can Happen

March 28, 2021

In the wake of this week's events, I thought I would take a moment to remind everyone that nothing should surprise you.

The longer you're in this game, the more things you see. The newer you are at this, the easier it is to not know some of the history of markets.

And that's okay. You don't have to know everything the moment you start.

That's what the experience is for.

But I will let you all in on a little secret, regardless of how long you've been around:

Our Bottom Up Stock Screeners Explained

March 20, 2021

Our top-down macro approach keeps us in tune with the markets. It’s the backbone of everything we do here at All Star Charts. 

We’ve strived to stay true to our time-tested analysis by complimenting our top-down approach with several bottom-up scans we've implemented over the past 12 months. From Under the Hood and 2 to 100 Club to the Young Aristocrats and Minor Leaguers, we’re always aiming to give you the tools you need to succeed in any market conditions. 

Click here to watch a brief video of JC explaining our most popular scans!

Diving Into The DXY Index

March 5, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza and Ian Culley @IanCulley.

The US Dollar is one of the most important pieces of the intermarket puzzle.

It affects all the major asset classes, and a rising dollar could impact the current market environment by creating a headwind for stocks and suppressing commodity-centric and cyclical areas of the market.

This could put pressure on our current market thesis as US Dollar strength has the potential to put a damper on the recent rally in risk assets.

In this post, we'll take a look at what's going on underneath the surface in the US Dollar Index by running through some of it's largest components.

We'll then weigh the evidence in front of us in an effort to determine a directional bias for King Dollar.

[PLUS] Weekly Momentum Report

February 28, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza 

Don't miss this weeks Momentum Report; our weekly summation of all the major indexes at a Macro, International, Sector and Industry Group level. As a reminder, we analyze this shorter-term data within the context of the structural trends at play.


[Chart of the Week] Equally-weighted Precious Metals

February 22, 2021

Last Summer when Gold ran into those former highs from 2011, it only made sense for price to recognize that overhead supply that had been in place for close to a decade prior. Even if only temporarily, that was big time resistance way back when, sending precious metals tumbling. So to ignore that seemed irresponsible (see Sept 3rd Conference Call).

Now, at the time we did not know how long this process would take, or if it was even necessary. No one knew. My suspicion, at the time, was that it could take months, maybe even quarters. But maybe longer, or perhaps would never even break out at all. I didn't know. No one did.

So we sat back and waited while basically every other asset class on earth ripped higher, except bonds. So you could have owned pretty much anything but gold and treasury bonds and done great since Labor Day.