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All Star Interviews Season 3, Episode 1: James Brodie, Athena Financial Solutions

July 5, 2019

James Brodie started out auditing for Arthur Andersen and did not particularly enjoy it. In the early 1990s he started to learn about derivatives at the largest bank in the world before ultimately moving to Credit Suisse. He's lived in London, Singapore, New York and Tokyo trading currencies for both the banks and proprietary and then started his own hedge fund. James is also on the Board of the CMT Association. I really enjoyed the advice he gives about what he learned from 2 massive losses he's taken throughout his career. James is a big fan of behavioral finance and we talk about different studies where we've learned that the better traders actually have more losing trades than winning trades. Currently James is watching Gold, EURJPY and US Interest Rates and talks about how he wants to trade them. This was a fun conversation where we covered a lot of things.

EURJPY vs 10-yr Interest Rate Differentials

Since 2016

Click image to enlarge


EURJPY vs EUR 5yr 5yr Fwd Inflation Expectations

Since 2015

Click image to enlarge


Gold Breakout

Since 2012

Click image to enlarge


Gold vs USDJPY (inverted)

Since 2014

Click image to enlarge


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