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Best Conference In Finance

September 17, 2024

I like to think that I work hard.

I put in the time. 

But not because I have to. It's because I want to.

There's a difference.

But I'm taking a break out here in Newport Beach, Ca for a few days, at what has become, the #1 Conference in all of Finance.

It's not even close.

I couldn't tell you what the 2nd best was. That's how dominant this is.

Sunday afternoon I walked up to the booth in Huntington Beach to get my badge and bag of goodies and they had pins representing whether it was your 1st year at FuturePtoof, your 2nd year attending or if it was your 3rd.

I smiled and said, "This is my 3rd year here", and she jumped up with joy and put extra flair on my conference name badge.

I feel like Jennifer Aniston in Office Space with all my flair on right now.

I laugh because of course it's my 3rd year. I want to support my friends.

Even if there was no one here, I would still be here.

But do you know how happy it makes me to see my boys kicking everyone's ass?

Josh Brown and the rest of the Ritholtz Wealth Management team is absolutely crushing it.

I joked yesterday that they're just way too popular now and it's annoying. They used to be that cool band we would go watch in the west village. Now I can barely get a ticket when they're selling out stadiums.

And with that success come the haters crawling out of their sewers.

It's fun watching these guys win with class. They're not dancing in the endzone. They're too busy growing their AUM.

This is a good lesson for all of us.

Be grateful.

It makes life so much easier when you're grateful.

I know these guys well and I can tell you for a fact that there is no one I'd rather see win.

And I put my money where my mouth is. Ritholtz Wealth Management takes care of my family's money and financial planning. 

I don't know anything about that sort of stuff. They do.

And somehow they figured out the conference game as well.
There's nothing like FutureProof. Everyone is here.

And if you're not, then it's probably a mistake. Your cheap boss likely doesn't understand. And if he/she doesn't, then you might just be employed at the wrong place.

Those who get it, get it. And some never will.

That's just the way it is.

I appreciate all of you who have come up to me and said hi. The amount of old pals that I've run into and new friends I've made over the past couple of days surpasses any other experience I've ever had at a conference.

Oh, and did I mention that Third Eye Blind is coming to play tonight?

It's not Method Man and Redman like last year, but still. A front row seat to Third Eye Blind is pretty freaking cool.

Especially when you're with a bunch of your best friends.

It's a bull market.

We should probably act accordingly.

Also See: Not Things You See In Bear Markets


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12-week Mastermind

The ASC Mastermind Course is a comprehensive 12-week study of the fundamentals of technical analysis. We’ll meet for 12 Wednesdays, starting September 25 through December 11.

It’s the most ambitious project we’ve ever undertaken, tying together the foundations of all of our research. And it’s exclusively for ASC Premium Members.

Click here to join us risk-free.

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