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Aerospace & Defense New All-time Highs

July 29, 2024

Does it feel like everything is working in this market?

Most things are.

And the strongest industry groups have already been making new all-time highs.

Look no further than Aerospace & Defense coming out of this multi-year base to new record levels:

After all the spinoffs, GE Aerospace in now the largest component in the Aerospace & Defense Index.

Keep in mind that the company is no longer called General Electric, despite its long standing history with that name.

It's now called "GE Aerospace" but the ticker is still $GE.

The one I like most in the group, however, has to be RTX, the company formerly known as Raytheon.

So many name changes. It's annoying isn't it?

But either way, call RTX anything you want. It's on the new all-time highs list, and that's good enough for me:

Breakout Multiplier is the best way to take advantage of this bull market, if your goal is to make the most amount of money when you're right on a trade.

Aerospace & Defense is part of the larger and broad-based S&P Industrial Sector Index, which is also making new all-time highs.

Historically, the Industrials are the sector with the highest correlation to the S&P500 of all the S&P Sectors.

Is it a negative for equities when this group is working?

Absolutely not.

It's just reiterating to those who haven't been paying attention that we're in the middle of a raging bull market.

Are you taking advantage of this opportunity to your fullest potential?

This week was the launch of the NEW Breakout Multiplier System, designed to swing for the fences, looking for 3x, 5x and even 8x returns in a matter of weeks.

There is nothing wrong with 10-20% returns on a trade. In fact, that has been at the center of our research since the beginning.

But after 3 years of working on this system, not to mention the $1 Million+ investment in creating this platform, plus the thousands of man hours, Breakout Multiplier is here.

We've never received more positive feedback about anything we've ever done.

Click here to join us tomorrow, Monday, @ 4PM ET as we walk you through all the details of the latest Breakout Multiplier Trade.

Remember, this is a 30 day RISK FREE Trial, so you have nothing to lose.

See you in there!