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We Buy Stocks In Bull Markets

July 22, 2024

The Dow Jones Industrial Average just had its highest weekly closing price in history.

Meanwhile, this week we also saw the highest reading of NYSE stocks above their 200 day moving average during this entire bull market.

Do you know how many times we saw a new 52-week high for the Dow in 2021 along with these breadth readings also hitting new cycle highs?


It didn't even happen once.

That's because back in 2021, market breadth was deteriorating, not expanding.

See the difference?

Here's the world's most important index making another new high:

Now, this is the Dow.

These are the biggest and most important companies in this country.

But what about the companies down the cap-scale? 

Small-cap Indexes have not been participating during this bull market, although plenty of small-cap stocks and sectors have.

But now the indexes are joining the party as well.

We just saw new bull market highs for the Small-cap Russell2000 Index.

And when you break down what's happening within that index, we just saw new 30-month highs for both Small-cap Value AND Small-cap Growth.

These things we're seeing are called breadth expansion:

There are so many opportunities right now in the market, but how do you know which are the best ones?

Funny, you're in luck. 

We've been working on something BIG behind the scenes. And we're not just looking for base hits. 

We are ONLY looking for huge winners.

This is a bull market. So we're not messing around.

If it can't be at least a double, then I'm not interested. We're going for multi-baggers.

And we're going to show you how we do it in our next live event this Wednesday at 4 pm ET. Click here to save your spot and get the recording afterward

I'll see you there.