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Falling Interest Rates LOL

April 3, 2024

You didn't fall for those lies about falling interest rates did you?

At this point, it's 2024.

We know for a fact that Wall Street banks are not here to help you or tell you the truth. That's not the business they're in.

The Financial Media has never been in the business of telling you the truth, so that's nothing new.

But the fact that they've been telling you all year that interest rates are going lower is hilarious.

None of these groups of people are here to help you. They're only here to help themselves.

And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with a Bank trying to profit for their shareholders. Just like there's nothing wrong with a media business trying to profit for their respective parent companies.

Profits are good.

Just don't think for one second that they're going to put your needs ahead of theirs lol.

Don't ever think that, because you'll be disappointed every time.

Besides, they shouldn't put your needs ahead of theirs. That would be silly.

They're in it for themselves, as they should be.

Lower interest rates.


Yesterday we saw the highest levels all year for the 7, 10, 20 and 30 year yields.

Crude Oil prices are hitting the highest levels since October.

Gold prices are hitting the highest levels EVER.

Meanwhile, the bond market keeps telling you that interest rates are going up.

So do you trust the banker? Do you trust the pretty lady on the TV?

Or do you trust the bond market?

In Black above you have Crude Oil Futures hitting new 4-month highs, and the number of Oil & Gas stocks hitting new highs is off the charts.

Meanwhile, those stocks that do poorly when rates are rising are doing the worst.

We discussed all that this week on our LIVE Video Conference Call. Check that out here.

In the charts and commentary above, we're talking about the longer end of the curve, of course.

But looking closer at the short end of the curve, all your favorite bankers are telling you that the fed is cutting rates very soon.

Do you actually believe them?

Interest rates keep going up.

But the banks and the people on basic cable are telling you the exact opposite.

Look at Small-caps continuing to struggle.

Is that because Small-caps are sniffing out much higher interest rates?

The Russell2000 Small-cap Index is still near its late December highs.

The S&P600 Small-cap600 Index, which requires companies to have a track record of earnings in order to be included, is well below its late December highs.

Which companies are hurt the most with higher rates?

The ones who need to borrow the most money?

So smaller companies?

Is that why small-caps never got the memo that stocks were in a bull market?

What falling interest rates?

We're just seeing the exact opposite.

What are these people babbling about?

Any ideas?

Seems silly.

If you're interested in reality, I would encourage you to join us later today at 3PM ET.

Sean will be putting on a trade LIVE for everyone to see.

We will walk you through the entire process, beginning to end, of how we choose which stock to trade, which options strategy to use, which strike price(s) and which expiration(s) to pick.

How do we do it?

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Note: Today's Options Execution Lab will be recorded, in case you can't make it live, and archived for you in the Members area.