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You See? Stock Prices Trend

December 14, 2023

As you may have expected, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is making new all-time highs.

This week we saw the most amount of stocks hitting new 52-week highs in over 2 years.

That's what happens in bull markets:

I can't imagine why anyone should be surprised.

I mean, we are already 18 months into this bull market.

There's breadth expansion across the stock market.

Sector rotation among the leading groups.

More and more countries around the world breaking out.

These are the things we see in bull markets.

And this is important because we want to know the best way to allocate our time.

We've spent most of the year looking for stock to buy, because that's historically the best thing to do in this type of environment.

Imagine spending all year looking for reasons to be bearish and trying to find stocks to sell, or worse top-tick the biggest winners?


Make sure you remember those who maliciously tried to steer you wrong. This is both as a reminder of what assholes they are in real life, but also, and more importantly, to use moving forward as contrarian indicators.

Also try to remember what helped get us all these profits throughout the year.

And I'm not pointing to me and our team. This has nothing to do with us.

It all gets back to counting.

If investors would just take the time to go and look to see what the market was actually doing, instead of focusing on arbitrary things like jobs, the Fed, housing, yield curves, or whatever other silly fairytales they've tried to spin this year, everyone would have been on the right side of the trend.

And this is a great time to remind everyone:

Stock Prices Trend.

They always have.

And they've been trending higher for 18 months.

So new all-time highs in the Dow should surprise no one.

The most new highs on the NYSE in years is perfectly normal.

We'll be discussing what's next and what we're doing to prepare ourselves for Q1 2024 this Monday December 18th @ 6PM ET.

This is our LIVE Mid-month Conference Call where we breakdown the current market environment, updates on ongoing trades, and of course our favorite new trades and opportunities.

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