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1H 2023 In the Books. Now What?

July 2, 2023

As investors, the first step in deciding whether to buy something or not is to identify the direction in which price is heading.

So many investors out there choose to skip this step.

I never understood that.

We know for a fact that asset prices trend. We know. We all have the data. It's just a fact.

So if we know that, then why wouldn't we begin our process by identifying which direction price is heading?

"Should we buy this stock?"

Well, is it going up in price? Down? Or sideways?

Trend recognition is also really helpful in identifying the type of market environment we're in.

"Are the majority of stocks going up? Down? Or sideways?"

At the end of every month we get a fresh batch of monthly data that goes a long way in helping us identify these trends.

On Friday we just got the highest monthly close for both the Nasdaq100 and S&P500 in over a year.

This is now the 3rd consecutive month that they do that:

There are many, very loud, people who are terrible at math, telling me and anyone who will listen that only 7 stocks are going up.

This is not true today. It wasn't true a month ago. And it hasn't been true all year.

Again, all you had to do was count.

Most people chose not to.


For those of us who find it really easy to count, it was quite obvious that many stocks have been rising. It's been steady breadth expansion over the last year, not breadth deterioration like the people who are bad at math keep telling us.

A great example of this, in my opinion, is the U.S. Industrials Sector going out at New All-time Highs.

This sector is incredibly diversified with all kinds of different industry groups.

We actually make fun of this sector because it has so many different types of companies in it. It's almost like a catch-all, where when they don't know how to categorize a company, they just throw it into Industrials.

There aren't any stocks with more than a 4% weighting in the Industrials Sector.

It just went out at new all-time highs.

You know why?

Because it's not just 5 stocks going up. Or 7. Or 10.

It's been thousands of stocks ripping in your face all year.

We'll be discussing this all on Wednesday night on our LIVE Monthly Charts Strategy Session.

Premium Members make sure to Register Here, if you haven't already.

We've had some great trades this year from the long side. And with all this sector rotation we've been seeing, there are more opportunities than ever.

See you Wednesday night!