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[Video] Fox Business: New Highs Coming For S&P500?

April 28, 2023

I was in New York City most of the week for the annual CMT Symposium.

On Wednesday afternoon I dropped by Fox Business to chat with Liz Claman about the ongoing bull market that is now on Month #11.

My point in the hit was that a lot of the focus seems to be on these tiny little irrelevant banks disappearing, instead of actual important companies with real market caps.

Just to put things in perspective, First Republic is worth less than a billion dollars. So that and zero may as well be the same thing.

Meanwhile, Microsoft Wednesday was up over $140 Billion in market cap overnight.

So if that's the case, why should anyone care about First Republic?

As long as the market doesn't care, I definitely don't.

Here's the interview in full:

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