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[Video] Compound & Friends w/ Josh Brown, Michael Batnick, J.C. Parets & Steve Strazza

January 8, 2023

I was back on The Compound & Friends show this week.

But this time I brought ASC Director of Research Steve Strazza with me.

This show is always a lot of fun and this time was no different.

We don't take ourselves too seriously and like to enjoy ourselves. So this is the perfect show for us to come on.

We discussed the Bull Market in stocks that continues to broaden out to new sectors and countries, the potential breakout in Gold prices to new all-time highs, how the US Dollar falling apart is impacting asset classes, and some of our favorite stocks to profit from the current environment.

We also discussed our Bitcoin trade, Chinese Internet and the ASC Hall of Famers.

Big shoutout to Josh and Michael for the invite.

I love being a guest on one of my favorite shows to watch! I know Steve Strazza feels the same way.


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