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Remove Your US Dollar Bias

December 26, 2022

We tend to think in US Dollars.

And this is for good reason, don't get me wrong.

The US Dollar is the world's dominant reserve currency.

But what if we treated Gold like another currency instead of a commodity?

It certainly acts more like a currency. Just look at the recent moves in Commodities, both up and down. Gold hasn't exactly followed along....

So if Gold wants to behave like a currency, maybe we should treat it like one.

Here's Gold priced in some very important currencies. In other words, this is what Gold looks like if you remove your US Dollar bias:

These charts are going from the lower left to the upper right.

Where I grew up, we call those uptrends.

This is all part of the reason why we think Gold prices can reach $5000/oz.

Make sure you Download my Gold Report here if you haven't already.

I think you'll really enjoy it.

Give it a read and then let me know what you think!

- JC