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Things Are Getting "Real"

December 10, 2022

Remember when they told you Gold was a hedge against inflation?

It wasn't.

Remember when they told you Gold was a safe haven asset?

It wasn't.

Remember all those times the Gold bugs made up fairy tales about future price appreciation for their rocks?

It never happened.

And so here we are. Well over a decade later, Gold prices are actually still down 6% from their 2011 highs. Silver is somehow still down over 50% from those highs.

Think about the opportunity cost of owning precious metals instead of pretty much anything else.

So. Is this time different?

Is this the time for Gold to finally shine?

It could be.

Silver is certainly outperforming, for once, which is something we historically see when precious metals are doing well. Needless to say, it's not something we've seen in a long time.

Throughout my career I've noticed that Gold does enjoy a weaker US Dollar.

But you know what Gold investors seem to like even more?

Falling Real Rates.

Here's a look at the US 10-year Real Yields overlaid with the price of Gold.

Two things to keep in mind. The Real Yield is calculated by subtracting the expected rate of inflation from the nominal yield. And for the purpose of this chart, the Real Yields are flipped upside down to move in line with Gold:

Gold is moving tick for tick with the chart above. So in other words, as Real Yields are falling (black line rising), Gold gets a bid. However, when Real Yields are rising (black line falling), Gold gets sold.

Is this the time to own precious metals?

Are Gold bugs finally going to have their day?

Well that's the bet we've been making and so far it's paying off.

The question is whether or not it will continue to pay.

Based on the weight of the evidence, if Real Yields keep falling, Gold investors will continued to be rewarded, and we plan on sticking around.

We laid it all out this week's Live Conference Call. Premium Members can access the replay here and download the 175 charts that I walked through during my presentation.

If you don't have access for whatever reason, just email me or call Mary and we'll figure it out for you: +1 (323) 421-7910

In the meantime, did you notice that I'm Day Trading again?

Join Me Day Trading Every Day

For years now, I’ve looked at day trading like I look at golf.

I suck at golf. It’s not fun for me. It doesn’t do anything positive for me. So I don’t play it.

Day trading is the same way: I suck at it. It’s not fun for me. And it doesn’t make me any money.

So for more than a decade now, I haven’t been day trading at all.

That changed recently.

When I saw what I am going to show you, I was so excited that I opened up a new trading account just to try out day trading for myself.

You see, I’m not just day trading by myself… and I wouldn’t expect you to, either.

Instead, I’m working with an old friend of mine: master day trader Kimmy Sokoloff.

I took one look at her track record of the past 20 years and immediately said, “I need to do this.”

The result? This new service is making more money than I ever have day trading. It’s unbelievable.

And because of the short time frame on these trades, it’s the perfect strategy for volatile markets.

I’m sitting down with Kimmy on Tuesday night, December 13th, at 7pm EST for a special sit-down interview.

We’re going to go over what makes her day trading strategy so successful and how you can put it to work in your portfolio like I'm doing in mine.

You won’t believe your eyes - just like I didn’t.

Click HERE to save your spot in this special training session, and I’ll see you there!