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[PLUS] Weekly Market Notes: Slow and Steady Wins The Race

November 21, 2022
From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Just when 2022 was getting known for noise, the markets quieted down last week. For the first time in five weeks, the S&P 500 did not move 3% in one direction or the other. For the first time this year, no trading day last week saw the S&P 500 move 1% or more in either direction. We begin a new week with the S&P 500 not having moved 1% or more in either direction in six straight days. It has been a year since it has had a longer streak of small swings.

More Context: In the past half century, the only years with more 1% daily moves than 2022 were 2008 and 2002. Before this recent run of quiet, the S&P 500 had moved by 1% on more than half of the trading days. Historically there is an inverse relationship between volatility and strength. In the past half century, no year had fewer 1% moves than did 2017 (which had fewer for the entire year than 2022 is averaging per month). When daily volatility subsides, prices typically rise. That was the case in 2016-17, mid-2018, late-2019, and (to a lesser extent) last year. It’s hard to say whether this recent lack of volatility is just a pause or the beginning of a new trend. Either way it’s a welcome respite in a hectic year.       

We take a Deeper Look at where we are still looking for improvement and where there is evidence that new trends are emerging.

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