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[PLUS] Weekly Market Notes

November 7, 2022
From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Range Bound and Restless

The S&P 500 was down last week but remains above its June lows and below its August highs.

More Context: We can look up at the summer highs on the S&P 500, but as long as more stocks are making new lows than new highs the risk is that it is the summer lows that are in jeopardy of being broken. The degree and duration of downturns since 2015 has varied but a clear pattern has emerged: rallies are difficult to sustain if fewer stocks are making new highs than new lows. Clearing the August high for the S&P 500 likely means seeing the NYSE + NASDAQ new high lists getting longer than the new low list (which has happened only twice in the past 50 weeks).   

We take a Deeper Look at important ranges across the market and where we are seeing important breakouts rather than restless investors trying to anticipate the next move.  

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