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Chart of the Day: Dow Rallies For 3rd Straight Week

October 22, 2022

I'm old enough to remember when stocks would go up for multiple weeks at a time.

They used to call those uptrends where I'm from.

So how about a 3rd straight week of gains for the Dow Jones Industrial Average?

That's something you don't see every day:

That's over 2350 points added to the Dow in October, more than an 8% gain.

We're in the sweet spot of the best time of the 4-year presidential cycle to be buying stocks.

"Buy in October and get yourself Sober", is how I learned it from Jeff Hirsch.

Looks like the market is acting accordingly.

Our long positions are working. Our shorts are not.

That's information.

They're having a hard time knocking down stocks, especially the worst ones.

Did you see NFLX?

There are stocks that are working. We want to avoid the ones that aren't. There's a reason they're not working, and we're not going to sit around waiting to find out.

See: Own Nothing Below June Lows

And here's the catalyst.

If you plan on making money long stocks this quarter, or for the rest of the quarter anyway, I think this is it. See: US Dollar Charts.

Without a weaker Dollar I think it will be tough to make money long stocks, except probably Energy.

The rising Dollar has proven to have little effect on Energy stocks.

But in general, I think it will be much much easier to make money from the long side if the Dollar starts to weaken.

For those of you who are rooting for that particular outcome, here's a potential bearish momentum divergence on the Weekly chart of the US Dollar Index:

There are stocks that are working from the long side.

More and more of them in fact.

From the short side, how many are still working?


It's tough out there for the shorts.

It's become much easier this month to approach the market from the long side.

Make sure to check out our Premium Conference Call this week, if you haven't already.

The trade ideas are listed on our Trade Ideas page, and even better organized in our NEW Rangefinder App.

Let me know if you don't have access to either and we'll set you up.

Enjoy your weekend!