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Buy Charts On Magazine Covers

October 7, 2022

The way I learned it was that we want to buy stocks when the journalists put a chart on the cover of a magazine.

I like to pick on The Economist because they have such a great track record of being the last ones to the party.

Here's a good run down of a few favorites and part of the reason we got so cautious last Spring.

Fast forward to today: Can we classify this one as a chart? Does this count?

For me, it's gotta be in the conversation.

Does that mean we need to be buying stocks?

Cause we are....

This strategy certainly worked really well when the New Yorker dropped this gem 20 years ago:

The S&P500 put in its bottom 2 days later.

You can't make this up.

So are you betting that this time is different?

Let me know what you think!

- JC


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