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You Can't Be Short

August 10, 2022

Was this just a bear market rally?

Or did we just see the initial thrust off the lows before a more sustainable move progresses into the end of the year?

That's a good question to be asking.

And while we don't ever actually know until after the fact anyway, we've set these 2 levels as clear lines in the sand for arguably two of the most important assets on the planet: The S&P500 and Ethereum.

The bottom line is this: If the S&P500 is above 4200 and Ethereum is above 1800 - YOU CANNOT BE SHORT.

Short the S&P500 below 4200?

Knock yourself out.

Fading rallies in ETH below 1800?

Go for it.

Sure why not?

But SPX above 4200? ETH above 1800?

No shorts allowed in this neighborhood my friends. Not on my watch!

These are key neckline levels for both of these important assets.

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